I’m on a plane waiting for the destination airport to give us permission to take off from where I currently sit.

It’s the same waiting game that I’ve attempted to play with God this past month. But here’s the thing…

He’s already told me, “It’s time.”

Yet, still I sit on the ground. Afraid to make a move…

It’s scary.
Taking risks makes me feel naked. Vulnerable.

Even as I write this, I recognize the thoughts. I’ve had them before now as well. Countless others have them too. I’ve read books about this. I’ve listened to songs of music artists that get it. They understand what it looks like to make the leap.

Taking risks means jumping into the unknown, risking failure. AND success.

Dare Greatly

The words hang from a key around my neck.

A prayer and mantra for this season.

That I would Dare Greatly in the things God places before me.

I’ve spent the past month doing life with J Squad.
It was a great month. A busy one. It flew by but some days were slow.
It was a month of learning, building playgrounds and trust and playing soccer, getting sunburned and walking in new places and things.

I have been blessed by the conversations,the relationships that are forming and the trust that my squad has for me.

And surely there is more to come. I have four more months with these powerful people. And then many many more cheering them on and supporting them from the home God gives me next.


I no longer carry fear of failing them.
It will happen at some point if it has not already.
I will let someone down.


Instead, I think I find myself hesitating on the take-off because I know how much God has done and is doing already.


It is only month one.
With four and many more to go.

I think I wait for the take-off because the risk is found in letting God walk me through it all.
It’s in trusting Him to pull through. Even when I can’t seem to hear His voice.
It is in needing Him, when I have not always been good at understanding or trying to see His faithfulness to me.

The risk is believing that no matter my wandering and my limited ability to get things done on my on that He will never wander from me.

I’ve never been the risk taker in my family. I follow sometimes, but I like to hang on the edges and watch others go first.

There is no one to watch in this though. It’s Papa and me.

The only One to follow is Papa and He’s already loved me from the beginning.

Even when I can’t hear Him speaking, I know He is there.
Even when the season seems a bit dry, He is near.

For that truth — I will take-off.