
           So as I write this I’m sitting in an orphanage in the Philippines. I’m on my sleeping mat on the floor next to two adorable babies. It’s about 10pm at night and I just started my first shift with the babies. It won’t be a big surprise to many people that I signed up for some night shifts with the babies. Notice I signed up for nothing that started at 5:30am. There are about 25 children at this home and I’m only keeping watch over the two tiniest ones tonight. There is a baby girl who is 10 months old and a boy who is 8 months. They have to estimate some ages when there are no birth certificates. Because of privacy laws in the Philippines and wanting to protect the children, I am not putting their names.

       The first thing I did when I got here was just spent a couple minutes starring at each one of them,  watching them sleep and praying for them. They look so peaceful. I love praying over babies. I feel like crying every time, ok I already have just looking at them. It’s hard to even explain why. Just thinking about the fact that I want them to have a family that loves them. The children’s home seems great, but it’s not the same as having their own family. It’s also sad to me the families that had to give them up and thinking about those mothers. The government here does as assessment when a family wants to give a child up for adoption. They make sure that the family is unable to provide food and shelter. If a family can provide those two things, even if nothing else, this home is not allowed to take the child. Imagine not being able to provide food for your child or to be on the street with no home. These mothers may love their children and just have no way to take care of them. I believe they are praying that there is another mother and family that will take them in and take care of them.

       I came up to the children’s home today during the day before my night shift just to meet the children. I wanted the babies to see my face before they woke up in the middle of the night and saw this strange white face and started to scream louder. Little baby girl went to the doctors today because she has a cough. Sounds like bronchitis. Both babies are sick. Krystal (another World Racer) had just finished feeding her. As I was turning around to leave, Sarah runs to the door and yells for me to come here. I go into the house and the baby and Krystal are covered in baby vomit. Sarah said she figured I wouldn’t mind touching it because I’m a nurse. Well she was right about that and it felt almost like I was back at work. I stripped and dressed the baby while Krystal went to change. The WR has had many great moments, but I think this was one of my favorites and just watching these babies sleep now. 

       Well I better try to get some sleep now before I have to feed some babies. Thank you to all my supporters for giving me an opportunity to be here. It’s great to know that you are reading my blogs too. Love hearing from you and if any of you are looking for a little baby or child to adopt, I found some good ones!  Being here has made me want to adopt even more.