Today the Lord’s reminded me of a sweet little prayer I learned at training camp.

Breathe in, Abba, and breathe out, I Belong to You. It’s simple, powerful, and restoring every time.

Sitting here at the Thailand-Cambodia boarder, one week into month 7, I close my eye, take a deep breath, and meditate on those words. I belong to you. Life on the World Race feels chaotic especially on travel days, but right now, that doesn’t matter. I’m soaking in His constant presence. Amidst the extra changes, moving, and traveling this month, I can always go back to my Abba. I can rest in the peace and comfort of my Daddy, and all the questions and details fade away. I belong to Him.

Our true colors shine through in times of tension and strain. Those times when I can choose passivity and avoidance, break under the pressure, or take a deep breath and cling to something greater, constant, stronger, solid, and secure.

Most months I find myself struggling to find my role and purpose, learn the new language, honor cultural norms, build relationships, and process everything along the way.

Half way across the world, I can seek out my teammates, friends back home, good food, or new adventures, but often those things just distract me from what my soul deeply needs.

I need to rest in Him.

Breathe in, Abba. Breathe out, I Belong To You.

I am His. Wherever I am, and whatever happens; I’m okay. I’m safe and secure in Him.