Blog Hoarding.

I don’t know if that’s a real thing, but I’m doing it.

I have over 25+ half written blogs on my computer just waiting to be finished. Some of them actually are finished…I just never posted them.

My teammate doesn’t understand how or why that happens, but apparently it’s happened 25+ times this year.

So, I apologize to you all. Sorry for hoarding blogs for myself.

As much as I want to share this journey with y’all, part of me must not.

My favorite vulnerability expert, Brene Brown, says it best, “As much as I would get frustrated about not being able to get my work out to the world, there was a part of me that was working very hard to engineer staying small, staying right under the radar.”

Isn’t that true? It is for me.

I can’t afford to stay small though.

If I want to thrive, become my most authentic self, press into my community, and serve a very big God, I can’t afford to stay small this year.

So, with that, I’ll try to get more blogs posted in the next couple weeks. They’ll be dated when they were written, so don’t get confused if they’re posted out of sequence!

Love you all.

P.S. I am heading to Atlanta on the 6th and flying to Kampala, Uganda on the 9th! TWO MORE WEEKS UNTIL LAUNCH! Someone pinch me or remind me to take a couple deep breaths…This is really happening!!!