Say what?!? You’re doing what again.. the normal question for my team this month.
Oh the fun of making goals. One of the things we did as team was spend time praying about what God had planned for us. After we came back together and talked about what we felt God was telling us and also some goals we felt like we need to make as a team. We all felt like God wanted us to stay in Riga, that he had people for us to meet, and the more you meet people, the more people you will meet. We decided that Riga would be our home base. This meant if we felt like we needed to travel to another city, we could make it a day trip or an overnight trip. But we would always end up back in Riga.
We also set some goals.
- Was to find four contacts in three cities.
- To not compare our unsung hero month to others.
- To encourage each other to spending time listening to God.
- To follow up with each contact after meeting up with them.
Here is one of the things to get the ball rolling for us…
Katie and Derek went to do laundry and while they were waiting for the clothes to be finished. They went to an Apple Store to buy new headphone and from that they met a lady working there who out of curiosity asked what they were doing in Latvia? They shared what our ministry was this month and what we are doing. The lady working there went on to tell them about this orphanage that she was going to with her church and invited us to go with them.
Derek and Cori went and met some pretty cool people on the bus ride to the orphanage. Which also lead to us meeting more people because of it. See what I mean about the whole when you meet people you end up having more people to meet with? Makes sense now huh?
Here is my Teammate Cori’s blog on a couple we met because of the orphanage.
Coming soon.. a blog from Derek on this topic as well..