So I’ve really embraced 2 songs since coming to Cambodia, I’m going to write about one of them today. God has really burdened my heart for the kingdom of Cambodia. I’ve spent a lot of time praying, crying and interceding for this nation, and through it all I come back to this song:

You said ask and you will receive whatever you need

You said pray and I’ll hear from heaven and I’ll heal your land

You said your glory will fill the earth like water in the seas

You said lift up your eyes the harvest here, your kingdom is near

You said ask and I’ll give the nations to you

Oh Lord, that’s the cry of my heart

Distant shores and the islands will see your light

As it rises on us

Before this trip, I would sing that song, and I knew it was a cry in my heart then. But now, now my soul aches and mourns for the nations, and this month for Cambodia. Daily I’m asking God for this nation. Daily I’m asking for the buddhists, the prostitutes, the street vendors, the children, the wealthy, the poor, the educated and the lonely. Daily I’m crying out for God’s presence here in this city and nation. Daily I ask for His mercy to fall on this nation and to draw the people back to Him. Daily I ask for Him to come heal this broken and hurting land.
I guess I’m sharing this, to ask that you join me. I know you aren’t here and you aren’t seeing what I’m seeing. But this nation needs your prayers, that is what will change this country, what will affect people’s hearts. Would you pray with me, expecting the nations and the people of all walks of life to come to know the Lord?