It all began by walking down the hill
at sunset to the orphans where the rest of my team was loving on
them. Quickly, Nathan and I got them to play Chichi Guay (which we
learned in Arroyo Cano) and the Hokie Pokie. One of the little boys
told me to sit down and soon my lap and legs were piled on with
children, including a most darling little girl, not much older than
my youngest niece. After sitting and holding the children for awhile
drumming and singing began in the main building. The kids beckoned me
to come in with them, and I got Nathan to come in with his children.
We all started dancing. I was holding about four or five hands as we
jumped around. Soon I was able to recognize a song that they were
singing and I understood, they were worshipping God. We danced like
crazy before our Saviour in that little room with a single lamp lit
and the sound of the childrens voices rising to their Maker filled me
with so much joy I could only laugh and think, “Is this serious my
life?” I would pick up the little princess every once in awhile and
dance around with her and she would give me kisses, meanwhile the
other little girls would all grab at my other hand. The most
beautiful thing is that it was the children leading the worship, it
was their own choice to be singing and dancing their hearts out all
for their love of Jesus. I had never experienced seeing joy like I
did in that little room.

Nathan and I had to leave before it was
finished to join the rest of our team to spend some time in prayer.
Amazing things happen when people come together praying and
interceding for others. We spoke so much light and truth into a
country that has so much darkness. We knew that what we were saying
impacted the children whose voices we could hear during this time of
intensity. I’m excited for the fruits that will eventually come from
the prayers of my team.

I left the group to spend some time
with God alone, and upon walking outside I was bathed with the
brightest moonlight and steady winds. I couldn’t resist, I went to
the knoll of the hill where I could see for miles just from the
moonlight. There I began to pour out my worship for my Beloved. There
I spoke praises and love songs. There I spoke truth into being. There
I proclaimed who God is and who I am in God. There I found the
sweetest presence of God. I wish I could convey all the beauty that I
had during that time. I wish I could tell you about all that I felt.
I wish you could experience that kind of intimacy I had with the
Creator of all in those moments. I walked away from that knoll
knowing that it was one of the most romantic nights with my God I
have ever had in my life. When was the last time you had that kind of