In the last month I…

Left a culture that had become familiar to start life in a culture foreign to me

Left a language I was started to get the hang of for a language where I struggle to count 1-10

Left a team of all women to join a team with men

Left an untitled position on Agape to serve as team leader on Hlas

With all of these changes I could choose to see the things I left as things I lost but instead I see moving on as an opportunity to gain a greater understanding of God’s kingdom and to serve as a steward to more of his people.


Here is just a glimpse of the things I gained and the glory God revealed to me in Thailand.

**If you would like to learn more about a bullet point below click on one that is underlined and has an asterick (*) and it will take you to a blog written by one of my teammates that goes into more detail about our ministry this month.

In the last month I 

Gained the insight and knowledge of a culture very different from the one I grew up in

Gained the vocabulary needed to let Thai individuals know I see them and they are worthy of my recognition

Gained an appreciation for my gifting of English and for God opening doors to bless others with my knowledge*

Saw the power of God to communicate love, no words needed*

Saw God’s unfailing love for his children regardless of how dark the paths they used to walk in are*

(an additional blog on the prison ministry can be found here*)

Saw God’s redemption and power in the transformation of 3 ex-convicts’ hearts

Saw God using his faithful servants to expand his light into a country where only ~3% are practicing Christians

Saw God change my understanding of how he communicates with us via the spoken word of my teammate Kyle – listen to his message*

and was blessed with the opportunity to live with, love on, and lead a new team of fabulous A-squad members.

Serving with this team for a month showed me how powerful the Spirit is amongst us and I am excited for the ways in which God is going to continue to expand his kingdom through our team. God specifically chose each of us to be together during this season of growth. He united a group of like minded individuals who want a backbone of intentionality and obedience to him in all we do.

We want to be a team that walks so in tune with the Spirit that individuals crave for something more just by our actions. We want to diffuse Christ into the arid places of Asia.


We want to be a team salted in the fire of the Holy Spirit s we can be a catalyst (salt) that increases others thirst for the Living Water, Jesus Christ.


Because of this we chose the name Hálas because it is the Greek word for salt. The dictionary defines it as; (figuratively) God preserving and seasoning a believer as they grow, i.e. in loving the Lord with all their heart, soul, mind, strength and in all their relationships (cf. Mk 12:30,31).

For everyone will be salted with fire. Salt is good but if the salt has lost its saltiness, how will you make it salty again? Have salt in yourselves, and be at peace with one another.” – Mark 9:49-50


Team Hálas (from top left to right):


Zach – A man of mind blowing intelligence who learned how to best love each of us after 3 mere days as a team. His heart and character so clearly reveal the Christ dwelling within him. He also has a real knack for washing dishes, beware your dirty dish may go missing with Zach around!

Alexis – A woman of honesty, integrity, and unshakable loyalty. She is always willing to go the extra mile for someone she loves. Expect many back massages a midst stimulating conversation. Extremely talented in hair wraps, your do may get a transformation if you sit still long enough!


Kristen – A fearless follower of Christ. Whether it is trying to speak solely via body language or preaching for the first time with only a half hour notice because the Holy Spirit tells you to, she is always willing to cannon ball right in. Make sure you aren’t near a pool as you might be in the splash zone with her around!


Jan Carlo – A first rate hugger and lover of all. He is always willing to listen and help you decompress from a long day with the best hand massage around. If you need someone to captivate large audiences of rowdy teenagers in a matter of seconds, MC JC to the rescue.

Myself – I have the honor to lead this fearless group of Christ lovers for the next few months and I couldn’t be more excited for what God is going to do in and through us!


Kaila – A walking example of loving others how Jesus calls us to. She is always willing to sacrifice her desires to love another and is very aware of others needs and how to love them during the trials. A fellow extremist tea lover, I will know where my stash has gone if it starts to disappear.


Kyle – A man walking in the light of the Spirit who encourages others to join in the journey. He is always willing to share God’s love story with others and sees the heart of people. If you don’t want to turn that frown upside down stay away from Kyle for he is sure to make you smile.

Check out their blogs. Read our stories. Remember us in your prayers.

We are world changers.

We are the A-plan.

We are H?las.