Closing my eyes I hear the women singing in union to our creator: shouts, claps, and heartfelt prayers go out to the One who deserves all our glory. The powerful longing in their voices tugs at my heart. As each tear rolls down their cheeks my heart breaks a little more for what these women have had to endure.


It is hard to believe these women did not know Christ 17 days ago because the passion they pray with is inspiring. God has chosen me as an aid to these women as they seek to overcome the horrific events that have marked their past and scarred their hearts.



The first 3 days in Nicaragua we went out to the streets and talked with prostitutes, inviting them to a Princesa Party at our host’s house later that week. 140+ women and children attended the Princesa Party where we had food, cake, candy, and two pools to entertain the kids. If you could imagine a gigantic neighborhood pool party, then you would be on the right track!


At the end of the Princesa Party Steven and Kenia, our ministry hosts, discussed Christ’s love and desire to have a relationship with each of them. Twenty two women signed up for the 90 day program that teaches them who God is, about their identity in him, and empowers them to live for Christ. Over the last two and a half weeks we have gotten to know these women and their children.


Steven warned us that we might see lots of fights and aggression the first few weeks as the women struggle to let go of the darkness their past casts over them, but God has worked so quickly in their hearts that all we have seen from them is love. All of the women have welcomed us without hesitation into their lives.


Each morning we are greeted with a gift of food whether that be a bag of fresh fruit or the local churros. Any bracelet or hairpin we compliment quickly and graciously becomes ours. Never have I seen such generosity. Never have I seen people give so freely the little that they have. But it is these women, new to the Lord who are living as we are called to live as Christians.


“For in a severe test of affliction, their abundance of joy and their extreme poverty have overflowed in a wealth of generosity on their part. For they gave according to their means, as I can testify, and beyond their means, of their own accord.” 2 Corinthians 8: 2-3


We are blessed to share the good and the bad days with these women as they open their hearts to the group. The vulnerability and strength they find amongst each other is how we are called to live in community. Each morning the women arrive an hour and a half early so they can partake in fellowship to encourage and uplift each other.


While this group of women did not come in with the hatred and aggression Steven has commonly seen in past groups, we have still seen that Satan will not easily relinquish these women to Christ. We have heard stories of great pain and hardship these women have faced as they try to turn their lives towards Christ. As the women focus their eyes on God, Satan is in their peripherals trying his hardest to distract them.


Today one of the women, Rahab, broke down and told the group that her ex, the dad of one of her children, demanded she return to prostitution this weekend to bring in more money. When she refused, the man attempted to stab her. As she told her story through sobs, the women rallied around her and encouraged her to give her fears to the Lord.


Later this morning I was able to talk with Rahab one on one. Through our broken Spanglish she was able to communicate how overwhelmed she felt. She fears for the safety of her children and herself as they live in the same house as this man. She worries that without the money brought in from working on the streets she won’t have enough money to feed her four children. She fells inadequate as a mother because she is unable to provide a bicycle for her daughter’s birthday even though that is what her daughter desires most.


She is overwhelmed and broken. 


Satan is trying to distract her from God’s love and abundant blessings by continually reminding her of her struggles and hardships. I could see Satan’s tactics and asked Rahab if I could pray for her for “the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds.” – 2 Corinthians 10:4


God says we have the power to break chains Satan uses to weigh us down. We can destroy the hold Satan has over us and over others through prayer, our most powerful weapon in this warfare against Satan.


So I prayed for the safety of her family and for God to take her burdens and as I prayed a warmth started to grow inside of me. As I prayed in English and the little Spanish I knew, I could hear Rahab thanking the Holy Spirit and I just kept praying for more of the Holy Spirit to fill us up. During part of my prayer I started to sing and it was in that moment that the soft tears turned to sobs.


Rahab was broken.

She was overwhelmed.

She was burdened.


But God was here, and as we prayed he was taking away her burdens. For he says “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you […] for my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” – Matthew 11:28-30



Christ wants to take away our burdens. He wants to show you how much he loves you. He doesn’t want you to struggle alone, he doesn’t want you to struggle at all.


What do you need to give to God today?