this one is for my sisters.

woman of God, you are strong.
there is the strength of 1000 mama bears within us.
a strength that we can tap into whenever we need it.
when someone or something threatens something we love,
we can be strong to defend it.
woman of God,
strong in love.
embrace often.
strong in spirit.
stand your ground.
strong in weakness.
boast gladly in your weakness.
the strength that comes from within a woman of God
can only be released when she embraces it.
strong woman of God you don’t need to shy away.
strong woman of God your needs matter.
strong woman of God your life is important.

woman of God, you are powerful.
power. the power in the legs of an olympic runner, is in your shadow.
this power is given to us only through the Holy Spirit
find this power and you have just been renewed in your mind.
woman of God, 
you have power in your words.
use them carefully.
you have power in your steps.
tread lightly.
you have power in your prayers.
pray fervently.
the power that comes from within a woman of God
can only be released when she embraces it.
powerful woman of God you don’t need to shy away.
powerful woman of God your needs matter.
powerful woman of God your life is important.

woman of God, you are radiant.
your radiance outshines the brightest stars in the sky.
the reflection of a woman, shows the creativity of our Maker.
no one can take that away from you.
you are always radiant whether you believe it or not.
woman of God,
radiant in hope.
be a light.
radiant in peace.
let no discord come among you.
radiant in faith.
nothing can shake you.
always remember Whose masterpiece you are.
the radiance that comes from within a woman of God
can only be release when she embraces it.
radiant woman of God you don’t need to shy away.
radiant woman of God your needs matter.
radiant woman of God your life is important.

my dear sisters, i am thankful for your life. whether i know you or not. know that you are appreciated. know that you are beautiful. know that your life has a purpose and a meaning. know that when you begin to embrace these qualities of who God has created you to be, you become even more beautiful inside and in turn reflect those qualities on the outside. instead of defining yourself as “average” in your voice or “pretty normal” in your actions or “kinda pretty” in your beauty, call up the woman God has created you to be. don’t see the flaws, look at the whole thing. 
you are strong.
you are powerful.
you are radiant.
embrace YOU.

when you see these things in yourself you won’t be afraid to speak up, step out, and find the beauty in yourself. so stop being scared. you matter. and it is okay to love the woman He made you. i am glad he didn’t make you like me. there is only one me. and me… i’m His girl. but guess what… so are you. 

so dear sisters. now that you know… 
you are strong. 
you are powerful. 
you are radiant.
… what are you gonna do about it? 😉

much love,