This is a video of our time in Nicaragua.  Half of the media team spent the month with us and put this together during our last week here.  Props to them for an awesome feature–it made me cry to watch it.  It´s amazing to know all of the faces and have personal connections with the people shown here.  It´s no longer the sad faces on those  commercials asking you to give money each month–these are my friends.  These are the people I know and have lived life with for awhile.  They are amazing and the things I learned from them I will take with me for the rest of my life. 

We leave Diriamba tomorrow and head for the island of Ometepe on Lake Nicaragua to join the rest of Squad A and B for a few days of debriefing.  After that, we´ll be on the move again with our next leg to Peru.  Let the race begin!!  Apparently there will be a few more surprises with this next race which will make it a bit more challenging–giddyup! 

Thanks for all your support and encouragement for the past two months!  See you again in Peru!  Love you!