…these are a few of my favorite things!!!

Hey everyone, I know some of you have asked about sending letters or packages. Here’s your chance!!!

If you would like to send air mail to Peru … we will be there from mid-March through the 3rd week in April. Check with your post office to see when you should send it. The address is:

Amanda Dums c/o Robert Cooley

Calle San Carlos Del Pinar 228 Dpto 401

UR Villa Jardin San Luis Lima


Packages must be a shoe box size or smaller. If it is larger please list the contents on the outside of the package. There is no guarantee that we will get the packages (so don’t cry if I don’t get it…though I think I may cry if it gets lost…) and they probably will be open when we get them. If the value is greater than $33 we will be taxed, so don’t go all out alright? Letters and small envelopes should arrive unopened so send lots of those ok?!?

You may have no idea what to send to a transiant missionary, so I thought I’d give you a little bit of a clue here:
It pretty much HAS to be lightweight or I won’t carry it around the world with me on my back.  heh…you understand right?  I’d love some pictures of people or some drawings or paperish things….nice and lightweight, yet personal and fun!  šŸ™‚  maybe some good music too…kinda missing that…. You can always send something edible too…but don’t make it too enticing or those package guard opener people will eat my goodies.  jerks!   ok…really I can’t think of too many things I need right now–just be creative!  …and thanks in advance for those who do send stuff!  I love you all!

Hey!  I did think of a few things over the last few weeks if you all need more ideas.  HereĀ“s what IĀ“ve come up with:

  • Ipod speakers-
    you know the little foldy kind that are easy to pack…we could use them when we do dramas in different places so that people could actually hear the music when we donĀ“t partner with churches or people with sweet sound systems…IĀ“m thinking these will really come in handy out in the bush in Africa or even the hills of the Puruvian Andes!
  • Fructis 2-in-1 shampoo-
    the 2 in 1 is almost a necessity with freezing cold water…donĀ“t wanna go under there twice!
  • Headphone splitters-
    you can get these at best buy for like 10 bucks I hear…they allow two people to listen to an mp3 player at the same time with two sets of ear plugs…which really means 4 people can squeeze in on those long bus rides with those folks who have video Ipods… oh glorious technology…
  • Some Henri Nouwen books or other Christian Faves-
    the books can only get passed around among us so many times…iĀ“m really craving some Nouwen…
    Beef Jerky-
    I donĀ“t think I need to explain this if you really know me at all!  heheh! šŸ™‚  ….there is a serious lack of quality meat here…I long for jerky…