My computer is broken.  Pretty much dead.  I can´t see the screen though the computer itself turns on and gives me the nice start up noise…but I get nothing after that.  I can´t navigate anything.  No pictures.  No music.  No concordance.  No posting the three blogs I had written and saved on there.  hmm… I´m frustrated.   …and this is why you haven´t heard from me much in the last few weeks.  We go to the internet cafe probably about 4-5 times a week and I could easily have posted every day, but I´m a little bitter.  I miss my computer.

The thing is broken, just like I´m being broken.  I love being here…but it´s not always easy.  Just living with a group of 27 other people and always having another person with you wherever you go is not easy.  I´m grieving the loss of my indpendence, of my schedule, of my computer, and most importantly of my own selfishness. 

I´m seeing a lot of things in me I don´t like.  I don´t always feel like loving.  I´m not always glad to be around people.  I don´t always want things to go how they´re going.  God is faithful though–I prayed to be broken.  I knew that was a risky prayer and that He would answer it.  Perhaps I should have been a bit more prepared for this. 

Yes, I´m being broken…but my heart is expanding.  I´m learning how to love more.  My heart hurts a bit more for these people.  I have more love for my teammates.  I know it´s only because I asked God to give me this love.  I feel incredibly weak all the time, like I have nothing left to give.  As if the only way anything beneficial will happen is if God breaks in and works through me.  I´ve come to the end of myself.

I still have so much farther to go, still so much of ´me´ to let go of, but I´m a work in progress.  This life is a journey, right?  I´m in for the ride…and if things need to be broken along the way so that I can be built back up the right way….so be it. 

If you want an exciting journey…just ask God to break you…see if He doesn´t answer you.  I dare you.