We now have a new home.  Squad A and B have severed the cord and split ways, so we are no longer a hoard of 51.  Training is over and we´ve cut down to just Squad B, about 28 people.  We´ve moved into the city of Palenque and are staying in a one room brick church building.  Our tents scatter the very uneven ground/grass outside of the church and we share one toilet for all of us.  Our shower is called a hose and a bucket and we need to conserve water, so by the end of this two weeks we may all have a new sweet smell to call our own. 

The four teams that make up Squad B have been split into two different ministries for the two remaining weeks we have in Mexico.  Team Zeo and Agapetos are working with a church a few blocks away doing sports ministry.  Team Revolution and my team, Nessa have been handed full reign over all the duties at the church we´re staying at, which basically means preaching
every night for the next two weeks.  haha!  talk about jumping in, eh?  Lots of us have never preached before, let alone with a translator, so it should be a quite interesting few weeks.  I know that the Lord will bless this ministry and we are praying for the church to be packed–even if people come only to see the crazy Americans that have invaded their neighborhood.

We are quite the spectacle in this little section of town.  We´re a few blocks off the main street of town that is full of tourists who come to see the Mayan Ruins, but none usually venture into the part of town we are staying in.  The looks we get from the locals are to die for, but many smile at us in wonder.  I can´t wait to get out and talk/butcher their language to get to know these people.  I think they will be very receptive to us and I´m excited to see how God will use us in this community!  Please pray for our preaching this week–we´ve got some things planned with some cell groups that meet in people´s homes, a women´s bible study, a youth night on Saturday, and the church services on Wednesday and Sunday night!  We also have our days pretty open to go and meet with people or plan activities with the youth or anything else we want to do!  yay!  Pray for creative ideas that are inspired by the Lord and not just our own great ideas we´ve done before in the States.  This is a new time and God is doing new things–I want to be open to the things He has planned for this place!

Pictures are coming soon!!  get excited!!