We are already wrapping up things here in the DR! Its hard to believe a month has already gone by. I have really enjoyed my time here and our ministry location. The community took us in and really loved on us and we were able to make many good connections with people both at our ministry site and around our neighborhood where we have been living. 

We did VBS last week for the children. We would have anywhere between 50 and 70 kids each day! It was a good time for everyone..sock puppets, skits, face painting, and stories. We had fun trying to sing in spanish and they had fun giggling at us 🙂
This week, we have been doing more work around the church and home visits… working on a fence, pulling weeds and chopping grass, and visiting houses around the church area.
Our pastors made us homemade rice and beans and chicken..yummmm. all i have to say about that.
We have made good friends with our translators and hung out with them outside of our ministry time and have been invited into their homes a couple times for dinner. 
Our neighbor down the street is one of our new friends too. She lived in the US for 30 years and was excited to have some American friends around to have a movie and popcorn night and to go to lunch with and cook for! 
We leave Saturday for Haiti. We have 2 different bus rides to take to get there. Should be a total of about 10 hours of bus rides, so it’ll be a long day! Prayers for safe travel and health. Several individuals on my squad have been ill, so prayers for quick recoveries and staying healthy! 
Here are some pictures to share from the past week or so! Love you all and appreciate all the prayers! I’ll send another update once I’m in Haiti!