Trust… What is it?
1. Reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence.
2. Confident expectation of something; hope.
3. Confidence in the certainty of the future payment for property or good received; credit.
4. A person on whom or thing on which one relies.
5. The condition of one to whom something has been entrusted.
In times of darkness; trust.
In times of weakness; trust.
In times of despair; trust.
In times of happiness; trust.
In times of worry; trust.
In times of stress; trust.
In times of impossibility; trust.
Trust like you have never trusted before.
Trust in the light.
In the dark.
In the hue of the moon.
Trust in the Lord.
In the One true God.
The great I AM.
Trust is a lot like faith.
Today; tonight; tomorrow; the next day, I choose trust.
"I choose trust, when I can't stand. Though I would choose a different road if this were in my hand. But what I can 't see, is how You redeemed all of this brokenness to bring down your holiness. Yes I choose trust." -Jacob's Road
The last week has been a real struggle. From finding out that a childhood friend had taken his life, to not being sure how I am getting to Training Camp. There has been a lot of uncertainty, stress, arguing, and tears. Something within me has been "off" and slightly tilted from the rest of the world. BUT, I have chosen to trust. Put my full heart and mind into God's hands and let him do with them as he will. Is it going to be hard? Yes. Is the road going to be rough? Yes. But am I going to love every minute of it…? I'm sure going to try. There is no guarantee that life will be easy for those who believe and trust God, no… But there is a guarantee that those who do and live the life of righteousness, that they will inherit the kingdom of heaven and struggle no more once their earthly life has come to an end. So until that day, I'm going to TRUST in everything that I do. And that's all I have to say about that.