Hey beautiful. I hope you know how much I miss you. I’m sitting in a hotel in Panama, enjoying sitting on a bed and being in A/C. It’s by God’s awesome provision that we are in such a place, considering our budget and the little time we had to find it. But as is true past, present, and future, God always provides, and I hope you will get to experience that in your lovely heart. 

This last month I have been sleeping on a cot trying to hide from the hot humid air which consumes even the shortest of breaths. I could have slept on the top bunk with the questionable-looking mattress, but the thing was infested with ants for 3 weeks. Ants infested our kitchen too. One could leave a pot of cooked rice on the stove (with a cover) and an hour later come back to see hundreds of ants infiltrating the pot. I kid you not! Ants in the fridge. Ants in the stove. Ants making holes and eating through bags of uncooked rice. Missy and Claire built a moat as a line of defense which seemed to work for a time.

This afternoon my room happened to have 10-12 girls in it at one point. Kat and Ashley were giving haircuts and the rest of us were waiting or hanging out. The girls put some music on that I didn’t really care for, which eventually led to a discussion on music and the entertainment industry. Here were my thoughts…

While you may have already seen this in your life, as you get older you can choose to experience this a little more: “a person’s greatest misery in life can become his or her greatest ministry!” (Shannon Etheridge, Completely His) I believe this statement is the summary of God’s work in our lives. I’m not sure if the bible states this specifically, but it is definitely an unspoken theme. Look at Joseph… beaten and almost killed by his brothers… but then through the grace of God he is restored to a position of leadership where he mercifully helps his brothers through the hardest time of their lives…. And you know David, the young shepherd boy, meek and small, tender-hearted, scoffed at by his profession, identity, and size. Yet it is he who defends his people on multiple occasions and becomes the most treasured king in history.

Even Paul, the writer of most of the New Testament books, began his life persecuting and mocking other believers. He had them stoned and killed. He chose these evil actions, but the Lord chose him. And while other believers doubted God’s decision in using him, this was the Lord’s response, “Go, for he is a chosen vessel of mine to bear my name before Gentiles, and the children of Israel. For I will show him how many things he must suffer for My name’s sake.” (Acts 9:15-16). God chooses the unlikeliest of people to do the unlikeliest of things. Do you see the hope in that sentence?! So, whether we are in circumstances beyond our control or whether we choose foul actions within our control, God can and will redeem any part of your life and use it for his glory.

In the bible, we are warned on multiple occasions that Satan rules over the earth at this time. 1 John 5:19 says “We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one.” Jesus reassures us that this “prince” will be driven out (John 12:31). “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” (Ephesians 6:12). “The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.” (2 Corinthians 4:4).

Dang! Read that last paragraph again. Do you see it? The earth is filled with people who cannot see! And it is because of the evil one. His deception runs thick and deep.

And so here we are. Satan holds temporary power on earth. He is unseen. He blinds unbelievers. He deceives the whole world (Revelation 12:9). I think that last part is where we, as believers, need to have awareness and be prepared. He deceives the whole world, which includes us. Perhaps this is part of his plan: to target our strengths and pose them as weaknesses. In doing that he points us in the direction of fear or failure, which tethers us to the ways of this world.

Satan is trying to deceive us and our ability to succeed as believers and followers of Christ. We are put to shame by our actions, receiving lies from the enemy that we made the wrong decisions too many too late. We walk safely in our Christian lives, never taking a risk for fear of the known consequences. We walk hidden lives- not speaking the fantasies that torment our minds- sexual, depressive, whatever-it-may-be.We turn into the greatest of pretenders. Pretending to know the freedom of Christ and God’s love and power. We can know all sorts of things in our minds without experiencing them in our hearts. And our hearts seem to be most often held captive.

My hope and prayer is that you receive these words of truth in love. I hope you will experience this unlimited freedom in Christ and infinite power and love of God. Not just once in your life. But many times over. I pray that the richness of an abundant life runs deep in your soul and moves you to uncharted territory. Don’t be afraid to say and do the things that look different from the world. Remember, it is the world that is deceived. 

I love you lots.

