Hi, I’m Amanda. I’m 28 years old and not a fan of these little boxes. Before the World Race I was living in/around Fort Worth, Texas taking some classes at UNT to putter away at my Bachelors. I was also working in the house flipping/rental properties sector and spent many a day at Home Depot. My job description was more or less an assistant doing all sorts of random things like painting rooms, buying lumber, keeping track of receipts, collecting rent, going on craigslist runs, posting ads, hanging curtains, and trying to keep my head on straight. My favorite part of my job was probably my drill set and purple tool bag. Other than that, I can’t answer your questions about housing stuff or construction. I’d like to. But I can’t. 

I like to think I have a dog named Sasha. Yes I know that makes me sound a little loony, but it’s true. Sasha is (or was) my dog but for the last 2-2 1/2 years she has not been living with me and has graciously been accepted by my parents and sweet younger brother in Michigan. Sometimes I might talk like I just saw her yesterday. Truthfully I don’t really know who “owns” the dog. I haven’t the slightest idea if my family really doesn’t mind having her or if they silently wish I would take her back and move her to Texas or whatever part of the world I might be living.

If you ask my boyfriend I’m a little dorky. Or maybe he’ll say a lot. Who knows. I enjoy my sense of humor; it makes me laugh at times. I love the Lord my God and am in awe of the places (physically, spiritually, emotionally) he takes me each year. Some seasons are harder and involve a lot of tears and teachings, other seasons are full of laughter and delight. Either way, He has brought me to richer and deeper places and I will continue to seek and attempt/pray/hope to try to follow Him and his will. Enjoy.