It’s not fun.
I should say that first so we’re clear we’re I am coming from. People are weird about money, therefore I have developed this thing…I don’t like to ask people for it. I prefer to be liked. I guess I shouldn’t think of it that way.
I’m not new to this either, I’ve fundraised before. I just am apprehensive about being “good” at it, because that sounds like just being a world- class pest to me.
I’ve been challenged though, to change my perception. Challenged to stop being so self- centered and seeing the struggle from my point of view, but to instead look at the people I am asking, to look at their hearts, to love them and to offer them an opportunity.
We’ve got it twisted, I am now convinced, it isn’t about a hand out, a charity, or a good deed; it’s not about the receiver but the giver. The giver is truly blessed by giving. There is something amazing about giving, beyond sowing a seed that will be returned to you better than it left, there’s is a change in their heart, a relief in their spirit, and a peace in their conscience when they give. Why not offer this opportunity to all? Why not love them and bless them by inviting them to give? Why not give them the chance to feel wonderful and transformed?
I’ve known this based on my own giving experiences, but when you’re the one receiving it’s hard to look past the asking and see that you are blessing others. It’s hard to see that you are opening a window for them to be more like Jesus. It’s hard to see that. It’s difficult to remember what giving has done to me when I’m on the other side of things.
—-But no matter how hard it is for me, it’s truth. A truth that I do not want to miss because I love blessing others and Giving. So I am giving something by offering others a chance to give? How crazy is that! Revolutionary.
I have been marinating on this thing and trying to put that FUN back into this…trying to revamp my approach and offer the world the opportunity for the blessing of giving!
So…. what have I learned in this process?
*Never profile a giver…Don’t decide not to ask someone because you think they don’t care about the cause, they don’t have money, or for whatever reason. The best givers are unexpected!
*Always encourage and thank givers and remind them what they’ve done…and that it’s wonderful that they’re giving. It’s important.
*Don’t give up on people just because they aren’t giving now, does not mean they won’t be drawn to give later.
*A little goes a long way, having to raise over $14,000 is quite daunting to most and they’ll think their donation won’t matter… but it does…do the math for them, every bit counts!
Now I share this as I am learning, so I haven’t mastered this yet myself and I still have quite a bit of fundraising I need to do. I have seen, however, the impact this kind of perspective makes, so I will hold on to it and watch as the miracles roll in 🙂
Peace. Laughs. Love.