We have met so many inspiring people this month, so it’s hard to pick just a few of their stories to share here! God has been speaking through these people to me and I have been so encouraged in spending time with them and hearing their stories, and I hope you will be too! For this blog, I just want to share the story of 1 incredible organization I met with this past week. One of the things I learned in talking with the director of Children’s Heaven, was about stepping out in faith. Sometimes all it takes is one step of obedience, one step in trusting God to make a huge difference. I hope you enjoy hearing a little about this awesome organization!
Children’s Heaven
This organization was started and is directed by a sweet woman named Hanna. Right when you meet her you just know she is an incredible woman. She is Ethiopian but lived in the U.S. (Utah specifically- so obviously she’s greatJ) for years. While she was still living in the states, she came for a visit back to Ethiopia and saw all the young orphan girls. Her heart broke for these girls, and so she promised God that in 3 years, once she raised enough money, she would move back to Ethiopia and start caring for these girls.
She then returned to Utah and as she puts it, got comfortable back into her normal life. She returned to her usual routine, but 3 years later that all changed. Hanna began to find no joy in the things she always had before. She said that she even pulled away from her friends and her church community. Then, she felt the Lord speaking to her in a dream. God told her that it had been 3 years and that it was time. At first, she couldn’t even remember what that meant. Then she remembered her promise to God.
She thought she didn’t have enough money to start an organization, and that she didn’t have enough of anything to really care for the girls in Ethiopia that her heart had broke for. But she felt God just telling her to go. So in obedience, she sold everything she had in Utah, including her own insurance company, and moved here to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
That one step of faith turned into an organization- Children’s Heaven. CH now cares for more than 100 girls who are either orphaned or at risk, mostly due to their parents being affected by AIDS, and there are hundreds more girls on the waiting list. Children’s Heaven cares holistically for these girls. They provide food, tutoring, counseling, and encouragement. The organization also provides ways to empower these girls. They have put into place sewing and cooking programs, so that the girls as well as their mothers can learn skills to empower them financially.
If you want to learn more or donate: Check out this website: www.childrensheaven.org
How you can pray: CH is currently going through a transition in location. The organization is trying to move to another nearby location to better accommodate the increasing number of girls, but they do not have all the money needed yet. Land in Addis is very expensive, and there is another person attempting to get the land at the moment. Pray that God would provide the funds and that this would be a smooth transition for Children’s Heaven.