Seeing as my 21st Birthday is coming up, i thought I would tell you 21 thingsabout myself/things i love.

1. coffee! and coffee shops
2.  Messiah College…social work
3. Tea time…especially good woth some lovely company
4. windy roads, sun, and chilly air, music turned up= joy
5. camping and everything that comes with it
6. journaling…especially with #1 or #3
7. babiesss
8. crafts
10. adventures…especially the ones that come from spontaneity
11. TOMS
12. garage sales, dumpster diving, thift stores…finding treasures
13. pictures….memories
14. taking walks…enjoying nature
15. blankets…lots of them
16. FamilY
17. tattoos with meaning
18. lifers…word cred to M.M.M.
19. falling leaves
20. traveling…obvious??
21. sharing…life, stories, words, and TRUTH