40 days.

That is all that remains of my time on the World Race.

For the last few months, I have felt slightly like Noah as he floated around a flooded earth in his ark, wondering what was going to come from his faith and obedience to go wherever and do whatever God told him. Is any of this craziness even right?! What are you up to, Lord? Then the dove flies up, lands on his shoulder, and places the olive branch in his hand. The sign of something growing in the distance. The promise of God in tangible form.

I feel like I’ve been handed my olive branch.

Up until this point, I have tried my best not to put too much thought into what comes next in an effort to remain present where I am. Over the last few weeks, however, I have allowed myself to fully enter those unchartered territories. To dream. To ask questions. To pray. To map out what comes next.

When I left home, I had these lofty ideas for the end of this year of finding the new country I’d move to and the ministry to which I am called. Well, I have found where I am going to be living and what I feel like He’s calling me to, my olive branch.

Are you ready to know where the Lord has called me?

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

Yep. That’s right. My hometown. And guess what? I couldn’t be more excited or honored for where He is sending me!

The confirmation came in my eighth month while living in Cambodia. On the porch of the treehouse we called home that month, Jesus gave me the word “mercy” for my city.

Mercy for Myrtle.

He told me that I can make a difference where I live, and that’s exactly what I intend to do. Over the course of this year, I have worked with some incredible ministries that are amazing at meeting people right where they are. I want to be that kind of “person of peace” for the orphan, widows, strippers, tourists, and confused teenagers not only around the world, but more importantly, in the city I call home. How am I going to do this? By starting small. Inner-city neighborhood block parties. Building relationships with women in tough situations. Impromptu meal deliveries to the homeless. Going out for a “night on the town” with different motives of sharing the love of Jesus.

Part 2 of this plan is making my workplace my mission field, as well as starting my own creative side business officially. I have learned this year how amazing it is to take on even the most mundane of tasks with the joy of Jesus, and how to operate out of confidence in my passions that He has given me. So with that, I am excited to introduce “Southpaw Scribblings,” a handwriting and photo shoot styling venture. After years of being encouraged to do this, I have decided to choose bravery and do it! I am available for wedding invitations, chalkboards and signs for homes and events, and styling for all photo shoots.

It might seem like it would be easy to come home, like there’s no complications or fear in choosing what is familiar. All of this might sound like just a bunch of fun things to say I am going to do. But that is not true. I need your prayers! The decision to come home but live a different “life on mission” scares me spitless. Being back where there are memories and people from my past makes me feel weak at the thought of it. But I am confident that my Father only has good ahead for me, and I can stand strong as I go forward in His strength. This year God has shown me how I can live an abundant life in any place He calls me to, so I have to believe that He’s not going to fail me now.

To be completely honest, I need your prayers, support, and encouragement more than ever before. As my friends have been so apt to remind me, I have been away from home for a long time! It’s not going to be this completely smooth, beautiful transition. I’m going to need some grace. Some help. Some extra love and coffee dates. And most importantly, some people to come alongside me and partner in these exciting new adventures with me!

I am so excited to see what the Lord has in store for my life as I continue to follow Him. His promises are good and true for each of us, so I’m heading into this new season with a renewed passion for His kingdom to come in Myrtle Beach!

See y’all soon.