Just like that it is month four and I find myself in White River, South Africa. My squad spent two days in Johannesburg, South Africa, getting rest and spending some time with the Lord. The men then proceeded to head to Botswana to build a roof, while us woman made our way to White River. 


When I got to Jo’Burg I was a little discouraged by the city, it felt like any other city in America.  It wasn’t like the Africa I knew, no red dirt, no tiny shops on the side of the roads, and no street food. Instead there were many cars, lots of white people, and a huge shopping mall.


I held out hope knowing this was not where we would be staying, but when the bus dropped us off on the side of a street in White River on a hot Saturday afternoon my hopes of village life was not increased by much, it wasn’t as big of a city, but still very much city looking. Praise the Lord for these nice men that showed up at the right time to help us.  From bus drivers, workers who opened the gate, and our new friends from Germany.


It was a hot day, I was sweaty and trying to put up my tent and get everything in as fast as possible in hopes.  Ants and spiders are not welcome in my tent! Once finished, I felt lightheaded and on the verge of a massive headache. Knowing water is what my body needs, I go down to the pavilion. As I look out down the hill I see it, a red dirt road and an African village. This is what I’ve been longing for since leaving Uganda in June. God knew exactly what I needed to bring a smile to my heart. Not only has my heart been aching for home but it has also been aching for Uganda. Knowing that when I wake up each morning, I can overlook this little village and watch it come alive brings extended amounts of much joy to my soul. 



Let me try and describe what it is like here at Manna Christian Church where we are living. We are in this ginormous gated area. After entering the front gate you see a paint ball course that the church leases out, next you will see a large dirt bike track. It is one of the only tracks in the area so people that are into motocross come and pay rent to use the track. (the next closest track is a 5 hour drive) After rounding a little curve and a slight hill, you come upon the church grounds. This includes a series of buildings, one being more of the kids hangout, which includes a skate park. The main building has a large atrium where the services are held. The last building is the offices/youth building. Outside the main building they have all sorts of gardens, a waterfall/pond area with fish in it. They also have a canopy with many picnic tables where we all could sit and have coffee and fellowship after the service. Then at the very top of the hill is where we set up our tents! We are beyond thankful for bathrooms and hot water to take a shower. Very soon I will have a video to show!


Some of my favorite things I’ve experienced on the World Race thus far would be all the different churches. In each country, I have been able to go to at least one most times two different churches multiple times. They have all been unique and different in there own way. Some I would be okay with not going back, while others I wish I could spend more time with the members of that particular church. Experiencing all these different churches has stirred something in me. On Sundays, I get this excitement I can’t explain. The thought of the body of Believers all around the world, some in secret, some proclaiming it on the mountain tops, all throughout the day praising our Father. I hunger for meeting my new brothers and sisters in Christ, and sitting with them over coffee. To all the churches I’ve been to these last four months, thank you for welcoming me with open arms, thank you for teaching to love coffee, and thank you for having a faith so real that I can feel the Holy Spirit raining down even when I don’t understand the language. 


Take it from the girl that is the new girl in church every month, it is awkward not knowing anyone in a new church. So if your reading this and you have been going to church for years, next time you see someone new at your church, stop thinking you’re too busy, parents; I give you permission to ignore your children and let them run like crazy, because praise the Lord, that person you welcomed and shared coffee with and made feel at home and not judged, might be coming home to Jesus for the very first time.


Take it from the girl that is the new girl in church every month, it is awkward not knowing anyone, but it has always been worth it to go. So if you’re reading this and you are considering going to church for the first time, or maybe its been years since you’ve gone. Take that step, whether that be worshipping in a home with other believers, a mega church, Catholic church, CRC, EV-free, Lutheran, whatever denomination it may be, find a place that teaches the truths of the Bible! Dive a little deeper, because God forgives, and he wants a deep personal relationship with us. Even more important He doesn’t just want our Sunday morning best, He wants every single part of us, the good, the bad, AND the ugly. So yes, church isn’t what saves, only Jesus can do that. But, the body of Believers is a powerful thing, lets hold each other accountable, keep our fires lit and burning brightly!


Be brave, be vulnerable.


Much love from South Africa,
