After about 45 hours of travel, which included 3 flights and a 9-hour bus ride, we have

now made it to Podgorica, Montengro. Our ministry hosts kindly gave us the day off to

beat the jet lag. I took full advantage and took a 5-hour nap yesterday and then

proceeded to sleep until 11:30 today.


Before leaving I found myself saying I’m going on an 11-month mission trip and then

further explaining that. This is true I will be gone 11 months, but it could be very

dangerous to let myself have that mindset. Really, in all actuality I only have a month

in each place. That means I only have one month to pour myself into whatever

ministry is that month. One month to love someone with all my heart. One month to

gain all the knowledge from my wise ministry hosts, and one month to serve the

people of these countries.


It would be a shame if I let time slip away thinking that I have a 11 months to

accomplish and experience all these things. So that is where I decided this year is

going to be all about living intentionally. I don’t want to look back and wonder what

would have happened if I had stopped and spoke truth into that woman’s life, hugged

one more child, and smiled at one more homeless person. I don’t want there to be

any regrets or I should have done this. I want to be intentional and take full

advantage of this beautiful opportunity God has given me.