Yes, bathroom stop!  I don't know how many hours its been, but I'm more than relieved. I struggle to put my shoes on and that's not because I'm excited. Mostly because I have elephant size kankles and my shoes no longer fit. Now that I'm on the subject of things not fitting. I've had to resort to only wearing stretch pants. Don't be fooled even my pants that look like jeans are stretch pants. They don't even have a zipper. Just pull them right up! It's great.

Days like these are the days I wish I was home. I don't think I've ever smelled so bad. And it's of smells I've never smelled before except on travel days. Once I get home, my hope is to never have to smell this smell again. I'm not going to even going to give you a detailed description on what it smells like. I'll save you from puking. If your ever curious enough, come on the world race.  

I'm currently sitting on a un air conditioned bus with no windows. The air condition broke in about two hours in to the trip. This is the third day. The third day. I still cant believe I'm on the third day when it was only supposed to be about 20 hours of being on a bus. The third day.  The third day of wearing the same clothes. The Third day without a shower. The third day of only eating peanut butter. That reminds me, I should take another imondemm. it's the only solution to having no where to go number 2. Even the bathrooms at the bathroom breaks have signs that say no number 2. Oh yeah, and if you ever come to Africa it's ok if you want to do any bowel movement anywhere. But just don't brush your teeth. Now that's apparently too gross. That must be done in private. Maybe they are just jealous that we have tooth brushes. Was that mean? sorry. Did I tell you that last month I stepped in human poop? There is a first for everything. Someone went number 2 on the bus, it became the talk of the hour. The bus driving came and dug the poop out of the bowl and threw it out the window. Hopefully no one was behind us.

We have been stopped on this bus since 7:07pm. It is now 8:21am. Do you see a problem? And I think the part I'm most sad about is that it's not even guaranteed a shower when I get to wherever I'm supposed to be.

Gotta love The World Race. Don't worry Mozambique, I'm coming soon.