Hi Guys! Thanks for checking out my blog it’s nice to meet you!

My name is Alyssa as you know and I am a 20 year old from this tiny island in the Pacific Northwest called San Juan, it’s in Washington. I am so excited to be shifting gears from my ministry which has been college campus focused to international ministry! One of my greatest passions is sharing the resonating Word of Christ with people of every age, background, and nationality and the Gap Year program is going to be such a blessing and focused way to pursue that passion and explore the calling I feel that has prompted my commitment to 9 months on three continents all outside of the US!!

I am supported in this by a large family of 4 parents (split households), 5 siblings (half, step, biological), and a really close knit extended family! Though I now celebrate my households joy in Christ we were not a part of the Christian community until about 6 years ago when by God’s grace my Dad, Step-Mom, 2 Brothers, Uncle, Nana and myself all discovered or rediscovered The Good News! (can you tell that’s a favorite story of mine?) Since then I have been blessed with my small island church as well as a greater campus ministry as I entered my college years. There I discovered the great power of the Holy Spirit and His place in the trinity and in our hearts.

I am an ISFJ, associated with introversion, sensing, feeling, and judging personality tendencies and this makes me love BIG and care DEEP I love sharing emotions, digging into the fundamentals of where our heart is coming from, and relating scriptural truths to the human experiences that bring us up as well as cause us pain. This tendency was only increased when I was baptized in the spirit through the gift of tongues and I am ever grateful for how that has drawn me closer to God and empowered me to the Nations. Being ISFJ and so full of deep emotion and empathy has it’s drawbacks sometimes as well, it’s hard for me to relate on a surface level with people and though my joys are strong my pain is great too. I would ask for prayer that I ever search out God’s peace through this process as I know that I will see His people in all their glory and all their struggle and to pray that experiencing these things with my teammates spawns in me deep motivation toward prayer and physical help rather than debilitating sadness.

I also live with mental illness, with severe anxiety and depressive disorders, and oh how the Lord has BLESSED me through it! and GLORIFIED himself through the situation! I am thankful to have such a deeply running connection with so many people all over the world, but it also brings nerves when thinking about such a journey! So prayer as well that stability and healing would be a theme of this whole process and that my illness would only be a strength not a weakness to our team and God’s purposes for His Kingdom would be greatly appreciated!

I am so excited to walk through this journey with you all. Thank you for your care, support, and prayer.