Lately in my squads group chat we have been talking about fundraising and the many different things we have to get ready before we launch in July. One of the lovely ladies on the squad recently wrote a blog explaining to her supporters where the money we are raising goes. To many people that I have talked to the price tag on this journey is very large. I have been asked many times where does it all go and why do we need to raise so much. The following information has been borrowed from my fellow squad mate and it will give you a better understanding of what your support is going for.

            Even without having posted this information yet I have already been so blessed by those that have heard about this journey I am about to embark on. I met my first deadline 5 months before it was due and I am confident that I can leave on this journey fully funded with your help.


Where does all this money go?

OVERALL WR FUND BREAKDOWN?Training Camp – $320 (Covers my cultural training before I leave)?

Field Support – $620 (Helps my squad receive supplies, local contacts, etc.)

?WR Development Program – $1,860 (Improvements and developments)

?Administrative Fees – $2,635 (Paying the staff that makes all of this possible)

?World Racer – $10,075


Traveling between continents – $4,235

Food – $1,758

Lodging – $1,758

Transportation – $1,005

Long Distance Travel and Misc. – $1,115

Insurance – $766


*However this does not cover my personal expenses such as, daily money to live on while on the World Race. We live on about $3-$5 per day. *

**This is an older budget list, so some of the numbers have changed slightly over time which is why the total may be slightly off from what my goal is.**


When are the Deadlines?

MAY 1ST 2015 – $3,500 in my account- 2 weeks before training camp (This Goal has already been met!!!!)

JUNE 12TH 2015 – $7,500 in my account – 2 weeks before I leave

OCTOBER 1ST 2015- $11,000 in my account – 3 months out on the field

JANUARY 1ST 2016- $16,267 in my account – 6 months out on the field


How to Support?

Credit/Debit Card Online Donation

Great for a one-time donations.

This method takes 3-5 days to process

(The great thing about this is they no longer charge a processing fee like my support letters state.)


Click Support Me! on the left-hand toolbar.



Check Donation

This method takes 2 weeks to process.

Please make check payable to Adventures in Missions. In the memo line, please write “BREWERALYSSA” so the donation goes towards my account. If you don’t place my name, as stated above, the money will not go into my account.


Send the check to :

Adventures in Missions

Atlanta, GA 30374-2570



This is a great way to support because you get a gift.

I have designed a t-shirt and have been selling them to raise support.

Below is a picture of the finished product.

Comfort Color Shirts are $25 and Regular Shirts are $20. You can order a shirt by messaging me on facebook or texting me!


This is the front of the shirt. The back has printed on the back.


*I have already placed the next order so it will be a couple of months before the next round of shirts come in unless I get a large number of orders in the near future, but if you order a shirt I will get it to you as soon as possible.*



Thank you!!

The support I have received already for this journey has been humbling and I am so grateful to each person who has taken the time to pray and support me as I answer that call that God has placed before me. I cannot wait to start this journey and share with all of you!

*Don’t forget to subscribe to this blog in order to know when I update. Once I get on the field it will be harder for me to make sure the blogs are posted on facebook. If you subscribe it will send you an email each time I upload a new blog post so you won’t miss anything!*


11For I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to strengthen you—12that is, that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine.” Romans 1:11-12