When I was walking through the forest preserve tonight I saw lightening bugs. Usually I am not a bug person, but tonight they made me pause. I was blown away by these little bugs giving off their green glow. It felt like I was a kid again and these little bugs were magic because they could light up. Only this time it wasn't the magic that blew me away, it was God's glory, beauty, and wonder. The fact that He made these little bugs that give can illicit feelings of wonder and magic.
I want to be blown away all the time. I hope there is never a point in my life that the small wonders God made don't amaze me.
More and more I have learned to see God all over. In every sunset, cloud, and field. I am so grateful that I am able to marvel at His glory in my everyday life. I cannot wait to see His beauty and creation around the world in four and a half months!