Last year when mama got sick I was very aware of every last.  We started to live cherishing every moment, because they all mattered. As hard as that season was it taught me so much.  I want to live all the time like it is my last.  Moments are so much sweeter when to take the time to enjoy them.

While I will be back home after the race, knowing I am going to be away for a year is helping me keep the mentality.  Life is so much sweeter when you take the time to appreciate what is going on around you.  When you don't rush through everyday just to check things off a list.

This is also a mentality I want to bring with me on the race.  I want to cherish every moment.  I want to take a deep breath, look around, and be able to praise and thank God for giving me 11 months of life changing moments.

While I hope the race will not be anywhere near my last mission trip, it is a personal goal to treat it like it is.