I’m just nearing the milestone of being on the field for two months. It’s hard to explain the time warp that we’re in. In many ways, I can’t believe that it’s already been two months. But too much has happened for it to be a normal two months.

In the last two months I have experienced more than any other 54 days of my life (I didn’t count the days, btw). I’m having a hard time figuring out how to share those experiences, which ones to share, what to catch everyone up on and what to leave as a part of the journey.

Especially during the month in Ukraine, I had a hard time coming to the realization that life is still going on back home. If in two months I only get the chance to email someone one time, does that mean that I’ll only get to talk to them a few more times during this trip? How many months will I not have a chance to talk to anyone back home? How many “little things� will I miss out on? This week I got on facebook and saw pictures of friend’s weddings and brand-new babies, news of friends moving and getting engaged. The “normal� stuff of life is what I’m missin out on.

I greatly wish that I had the time to share many more of my “normal life� details with you. As new countries are added to the list of destinations I reach in my life, as every day I experience living in an intentional community of believers, as life is a state of constantly being prepared to give a testimony or sermon with five minute notice, as my mentality is changing from “me world� to “my team�…I want to share what’s going on and how life is moving on for me here. I hope that as life on the race continues to become the norm, I’ll be able to settle into a routine of keeping you updated by blogs and emails. I’m working on it, so thank you for your continued patience and prayers as my reality is transforming.

Details from life in Greystones, Ireland today: realizing that life without every member of Jubilee within a quarter mile of me is abnormal, enjoying an absolutely amazing 6 kilometer “Cliff Walkâ€� along the Irish Sea from Greystones to Bray with three squadmates. More details on life in Ireland to come very soon…plus I’m planning to post some pics from Ukraine sometime in the next three days.