The title of this post is inspired by the song on David Crowder's new CD that's called "A Return". Most of the song is based around these lines: "My heart runs far from where You intended. Come after me, please."
These lyrics have just hit me so hard this week. They've been constantly in the back of my mind and I think it's because of how absolutely beautiful this truth is.
Yes, Lord, my heart is going to continue to wander and it's going to get distracted. Yes, I'm going to worry that You're not going to provide, even though You continually promise that You will. Yes, I'm going to desire things over my desire for You. Yes, I'm going to be full of pride. Yes, I'm going to harbor unforgiveness in my heart. Yes, I'm going to run back to the very sins You've freed me from. Yes, I'm going to be scared.
But You will come after me. You've already come after me.
"Though he was God, he did not think of equality with God as something to cling to. Instead, he gave up his divine privileges; he took the humble position of a slave and was born as a human being. When he appeared in human form, he humbled himself in obedience to God and died a criminal’s death on a cross" Philippians 2: 6-8
Before I was a thought on earth, He had already come after me. He had already come after us. He came after us, fully knowing that we would stray and wander. Fully knowing that our sinful nature would hold us captive until He opened our eyes to who He is. Fully knowing that He would be the innocent sacrifice for every single centimeter of running I have done and will do in the future.
Simply incredible. How could we even think for a second we deserve to be in control of our lives? He has come after our sinful hearts so that they will be His and His alone. We should live our lives in complete and total gratitude of the life we undeservedly get to live. Thank you, Lord, for coming after me, even though I have never and will never deserve it!