So this is a little after the fact, but I would love for you all to keep the following people from Kenya in your prayers. These are the people who accepted Jesus as their Savior during our time doing door-to-door minstry.

Mary and Josephine

Caroline and Vincent

Edwin and Joy, children Stella, Colin, and Angel (not in the picture)

Ben and Margaret, children Evelyn, Kennedy (not in the picture), and Crispinos (not in the picture)

Please pray that they get involved in a church and fellowship with other believers so they're able to grow in their relationship with Jesus!

There are also a couple of other Kenyans who are still heavily on my heart:


His mother is blind and his father is lame. He drives a boda boda each day to earn enough money to buy the family's dinner, and to help send his younger siblings to school. Because of his family's dependence on him and also his inability pay school fees, he cannot go to high school to continue his education. Despite all of this, Emanuel's faith in Jesus cannot be shaken and he constantly proclaims that "God is good, all the time."


He is a street boy who came and asked me for help in town one day. I had him walk to the grocery store with me to get a loaf of bread, and he brought his little brother along. They both held bottles of glue in their shirts which they sniff to dull the hunger pains. Nixon explained to me that he has a mother and a father, but ran away from home because his father is very abusive. Before I gave them the bread, I made them promise to stop sniffing glue (far-fetched, I know) and said a prayer over them.