I’m moving to Spain!
(for all of you that would have needed Google to look up the translation, haha.)
To those who have been in my life for at least the past 3 years would probably say I have a bad case of the travel bug. Honestly, I really thought my moving days would be over for a significant amount of time after the World Race. This is not how God intended for it to go down though!
I have been asking the Lord the same question for the past 3 years, ‘What is the bigger picture?’
I was convinced month 3 on the race, while I was in Thailand, that the bigger picture was eventually moving there long-term and bringing life to the women stuck in prostitution, and helping them to get out. While this is something that still weighs so heavy on my heart, I realized by month 8, in Nigeria, that moving to Thailand is not a plan the Lord has for my life (at least for now, maybe one day that will change).
I discovered that my deepest passion is
to see hearts awakened by the endless love of the Father.
to see a generation set free,
 claiming and walking out in who they really are,
 rising higher and going deeper,
 and living out their destiny with purpose and value and joy!

I was set free on the race. Not the salvation kind of set free. No, I was awakened to the woman I was created to be. I found my identity. I realized that the freedom I experienced is the same freedom I desire for every person to experience. This freedom came in two ways: through the love of community and embracing my messy gift of intercession!
God slowly started to speak to me about what I am now calling, The Freedom House.

The heartbeat and breath of The Freedom House is a safe place where people can be awakened to identity through leaning into the heart of God, whether that be through singing, praising, interceding, painting, writing, or dancing. Whatever gets them closest to Him. This is the vision at the most basic level. I also want it to be a place of discipleship and activation, but not quite sure what that will look like yet.

And The Freedom House is the reason why I am moving to Spain!

In April 2011 I will be taking part in a 6 month leadership academy called G42. The reason it is in Spain is to serve as a means to get out of the fast-paced, comfortable, consumeristic lifestyle we tend to live in America. G42 is a two-fold ministry; it is not only academic, but missional as well. We not only reach out to the local community, Mijas, but to the surrounding areas. One aspect I am very excited (and nervous) about is the two practicums I will be required to do during my 6 month stint. It requires taking what I have learned, and going out on a local (1st practicum) and global level (2nd practicum), and either partnering with another ministry or possibly seeking to start a new one. If you would like complete details, just click anywhere you see G42 to be directed to the website!

“The Church has locked itself down very often in a sinful simplistic acceptance of the wonderful Jesus as savior. It has refused to grow up into Christ. That’s why Paul said, “I labor until Christ is found in you.” The whole point of the Church is to get Christ formed in us. We must get past elementary things. We must move beyond the need for more inner healing and deliverance. If you have that need, get it and let’s go. 

Get healed. Get over it. Let’s get out of the bed. We need the bed. We have got plenty of beds, but churches are more than hospitals. You can stay in the hospital while you get healed, but you need to walk in health

And we are going to labor, and we are going to preach it and we are going to try to live it until Christ is found in it and then we get the prize. We might just be the 42nd generation.”- G42 vision statement

It is so much more than a school. It truly is a place where the leadership of G42 does everything in their power to make our dreams become reality. Their goal for interns, in short, is to “say amen and make a plan.” I’m so excited for this next season of my life, and I know it is going to strengthen and equip me in ways I can’t even yet imagine!

With that, I am in need of $6,000 ($1000/month) in order to take part in the academy. G42 is a 501(c)3 non-profit and most donations are tax deductable. Fees include rent, food, all coursework, and books.
Whether $5, $20, or beyond, every penny is such a blessing to my heart. I am asking that you prayerfully consider partnering with the vision God has given me to see lives brought back to life! 
Donations can be made via PayPal Donate | G42 – the 42nd generation (just go to ‘Intern Support‘ and write my name in the notes section) or mail to: 

P.O. Box 130611

Houston, TX 77219-0611

(Checks are made payable to G42- just add my name to the notes section!)

I am so thankful for all of you that have supported, encouraged, and walked this God-size journey out with me. Your words, finances, and prayers has impacted my life in ways I will never be able to fully articulate! I love you all so very much.

Peace and Love,