This is a blog my squadmate, Erika, wrote. This was written during here time at Burn Berlin- 2 teams were in Berlin, Germany while I was at IHOP Prague. It is too amazing not to share.

This is the God I know and serve!

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God” (Romans 12:2).

It has become normal to hear the sounds of Heavenly instruments playing wherever I go, all throughout the day.

I has become normal to hear angels harmonizing with us while we worship.

It has become normal to see armies of angels standing in front, behind, and on either side of us when we pray.

It has become normal to experience God’s presence EVERYWHERE.

It has become normal to hear God’s voice audibly.

It has become normal to not just read the book of Acts, but to LIVE the book of Acts.

It has become normal to see the manifest presence of the Holy Spirit descending over us when we worship Him.

It has become normal to have our eyes so fixed on God, that we become completely unaware of ourselves.

It has become normal to say things we ourselves did not think to say; to pray things we ourselves did not think to pray; to sing songs we ourselves did not write.

It has become normal to pray in a Heavenly language.

It has become normal to weep uncontrollably over the things that grieve the Holy Spirit.

It has become normal to fall madly in love with complete strangers.

It has become normal to be the ones telling the stories of God’s love and power, and not the ones hearing about them.

It has become normal to break out into side-splitting laughter with the joy of the Holy Spirit.

It has become normal to believe in AND TO SEE healing and deliverance.

It has become normal to see the harvest of our labor.

It has become normal to fight alongside our brothers and sisters with a fiercely INTENSE love.

It has become normal to be contagious, and to INFECT TRUTH wherever we go.

It has become normal to live a life of BOLD FAITH.

It has become normal to walk in our callings and our giftings.

It has become normal to cry out for more of God, and then to receive it.

It has become normal to live a life of expectancy, excitement, and hope.

It has become normal to be Holy Spirit filled, Holy Spirit led, and Holy Spirit empowered.

It has become normal to live in the everyday miraculous.

It has become normal to actively pursue “Your Kingdom Come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.”

It has become normal to break loose from all chains and bondage and step into a life of COMPLETE FREEDOM!

It has become normal to have significance, purpose, and destiny.

I have come to realize that the “normal” Christian life means miracles, spiritual intervention, and revelation. I have come to realize that the “normal” Christian life means having an appetite for the impossible that cannot be ignored, wished away, or satisfied by anything else. I have come to realize that the “normal” Christian life means continuous encounters with the incomparable power of Holy Spirit. I have come to realize that there is SO MUCH MORE than what we can only see, hear, touch, taste, and smell in the natural realm. I have come to realize that NOTHING satisfies my heart like seeing so-called “impossibilities” bow to the name of Jesus.

Anything less than all of these things is ABNORMAL and unfulfilling.

God has given me fresh Kingdom eyes to see what “normal” Christian living ought to be.

I can’t ever go back to living a stale, unsatisfying and hollow Christian life. I can’t ever go back to who I was. This has become my normal.

It is unnatural for a Christian to not have an appetite for the impossible.”

-Bill Johnson