Yesterday, my leader, Matthew, asked the team to meditate on who God is to us. We each wrote it down and then shared with each other. What stuck out to me the most was that God is so different to each one of us, yet He is the same. I love that!

Who God is is endless. It would take eternity to fully comprehend who God is, and any earthly vernacular falls short of explaining Him, but this is what came to my mind in those 10 minutes

God is the kindest person I know.

God is the most compassionate person I know.

God is the most forgiving person I know.

God is the most patient person I know.

God is the most understanding person I know.

God, in His very nature, is LOVE.

The God I know loves people past their flaws; past their history; past their pride; past their judgment; past their bitterness. 

The God I know is the God that says, “forgive them Father, for they know not what they do.” The God I know is the God that says, “come all who are thirsty and drink of the fount of eternal life and you shall never thirst again.” 

The God I know is the God that trades ashes for beauty.

With wonder and fear this God knit me together. He should have been scared when He breathed into me. He knew what I would say and what I would do, but His love said do it anyway. This is the God I know.

He is the infinite creator. He is from everlasting to everlasting. No beginning. No end. He is the most beautiful artist I have ever encountered. And He created all the wonders of the earth for our good pleasure. This is the God I know.

The God I know loves diversity. Our form. Our quirks. Our personalities. All so different, all so unique, yet all so perfect in His eyes. He delights in each child so organically. 

We are a masterpiece in His eyes; the most beautiful artwork He has ever seen. More beautiful than the stars in the sky. More beautiful than the waves in the ocean. More beautiful than all the animals in the Serengeti . He is so enthralled by us that He dances wildly over us. This is the God I know.

The God I know seeks peace, restoration, unity, love, honor, and respect because we are ONE in His eyes. The God I know is the God that calls us His bride. The God I know is not a harlot. I can only deduce that the God I know sees His children united as if we were one: no hate, no war, no division. No race. No gender. 

 This is the God I know.

And I know there is no other god like Him.

I have tasted and seen, and now, I am ruined for life.