When we signed up for the World Race, our squad knew that God was calling us to be a part of big things in proclaiming Christ to the Nations, but we had no idea of the work that He was going to do in our own hearts and in the relationships that we have made with each other. We have become a family and although we have seen God move in huge ways these past seven months, we believe even bigger things have yet to come in the next four. Many of the members of our squad need additional financial support to make the next four months a reality; however, we are confident that the Lord will continue to provide as He has been for the past seven months.

As a squad we have challenged ourselves to see to it that our sister, Christina Coleman, is fully funded by the end of the month.

Christina is a huge blessing to everyone on this squad and to all of the people we have come in contact with. She is passionate, fun, and has a huge heart. She still needs $7,206 before she is fully funded, and if it doesn’t come in soon, she will have to take a break from the ministry until the money comes in. We don’t want to see that happen! Each member of our squad has agreed to find 7 people who will donate $25 towards Christina’s World Race fund. We simply ask that you would pray for our squad as we entreat the Lord to bring the money in, and that you would pray about being one of the people who will give $25 towards Christina’s Race. Thank you for your prayers and support.

“I have LOVED having Christina on my team. That girl is a powerful woman of God and He has some amazing things planned for her. God has and is using this race to get her ready for those plans. Over the past seven months I have been able to see how God is transforming her into who she truly is in Him, and it has been an incredible process to watch. I’ve learned so much from her, her leadership skills are impeccable in how she nurtures and has patience for our team, always with so much joy! It challenges me. Christina HAS to stay so she can continue in this process of transformation and continue to challenge our team and bring her joy! She is a part of us, we need her.” –Amy Davidson

“Having Christina as my team leader has been amazing. She has so many leadership qualities, and over the last seven months God has been pulling them out of her. Its been awesome seeing the changes God is making in her. God has huge plans for her life, and I think those plans are going to start being revealed to her over the next few months.” —Tyson Payne

To support Christina Coleman, click here!