it’s that time again!

L squad is quickly approaching month seven of the race and the
majority of us leave for
Togo tomorrow
morning (two of the teams are remaining in Ghana another month). In all
honesty, I’m glad Ghana is coming to a close. It has been long, exhausting, and
extremely challenging! This month God was telling me to put my “big boy pants”
on; no more milk, but only solid food from here on out. Every single moment I had
to be intentional of choosing to walk out in the Spirit, or to walk out in my
flesh and let my emotions get the best of me. It was a very taxing month:
spiritually, mentally, and physically. Sometimes I just wanted to go home, cry,
pull my hair out, scream, or just simply shut down and crawl in a hole! The God
I serve is full of such grace, love, and compassion though, and it truly was only
by the grace and strength of God that I was able to pour it out to others,
because frankly, it was hard.

Our ministry was preaching every night at church, visiting
about 3 different schools during the day giving messages/testimonies the last 2
weeks, throw in a couple orphanage visits, and door-to-door evangelism and
that’s pretty much what my month looked liked in a nutshell! I think the fact
that it literally took 2 hours to get somewhere that should have taken 30
minutes to get to, having to take 4 “buses” to get to our location, and then
walking a mile to each “bus” in the blistering heat didn’t help (please read Bethany’s
for a funny/insightful look into what I mean about traveling)! Looking
back I don’t know how we got through it… other than God. I can say though, I
feel spent! I am so thankful for at least two days of some R&R before our
travel day- please pray we have a bus to ourselves… oh and that it has aircon…
oh and that there is enough leg room to not have to sit all discombobulated!


So Rhema, Increase, Logos, Rev217, and Jubilee all
head out for Togo on Saturday morning… and none of us have contacts yet! It is
actually pretty exciting that we truly have to ATL it (Ask The Lord)! We are
going in with complete faith that this is where God is leading us and that his
will for this month will be accomplished! My team and Increase plan to do
ministry together for the month and we will be visiting Compassion
International and Mercy Ships for ministry possibilities once we arrive- please
also be in prayer about this! Honestly, we just want to do whatever God wants
us to do. We are so confidant that His hand is all over this and that we really
have nothing to worry about. I think it’s actually pretty sweet that we have no
clue what’s going to happen… complete reliance on God (the way it should be)!


I just want to thank all of those who continue to
pray, encourage, and support me throughout this experience. It truly blesses me
so much and I thank God daily for the ways you have enriched my heart!


Peace and Love to you all!