So it is another
night with no water.

Even though we
have been stripped of our air-conditioning, shower (bathroom for that matter),
television, and nice cozy house, I still believe that we are not to live with
poverty mindsets as I mentioned in my previous blog. Although, I may have spoken
a little too soon about changing our name to Royalty!

With this said, I
think God is now teaching team Rhema how to
be content in all situations

Sunday (3-21) we
arrived to the second location of the month and it is quite possibly the
sketchiest place I have ever stayed or seen for that matter. We are staying at
a “hotel” but I must use this word as loosely as possible.

You must be
wondering what I mean by this?

Well, Bethany and
I are sharing a one-bed box and have to go to Annie and April’s “room” to use
the bathroom since ours does not have one. Although, this bathroom smells worse
than a port-o-potty (by the way, the seat cover is broken making it quite
difficult to sit and it doesn’t flush) and there is no shower. That’s right,
even though we are staying at what the people here call a hotel, we are bathing
ourselves with water filled in a bucket and using a bowl to scoop it out with…
oh, but the water hasn’t been working for a couple days so I’ve had to resort
to what I like to call baby-wipe showers!

I like telling
myself that this method is actually cleaning me, but when sweat pours down
non-stop all day because I am literally sitting on the equator, the truth is I
smell like a dirty hippy and my hair is starting to dread since I have not been
able to wash it for far too many days to even count!

Honestly, this is
not my idea of fun. As a woman I like doing my hair, putting on make-up,
getting dressed up, wearing perfume,
and embracing my femininity. I like staying nice places, sleeping in my own bed
(considering when I sleep with Bethany she likes to punch me in the face in the
middle of the night!), and the feeling of aircon; I don’t really enjoy taking
malaria pills, eating out of a plastic camping bowl, always being with someone
when I want to go out, or living out of a backpack & having a space-saver
for my closet.

But over and over
again I am reminded that
this is not about me.
This lesson is probably one of the harder ones and it is something I have to be
reminded of daily… although it’s not hard to forget when I fall into situations
like the one I am in right now!

I can’t speak for
everyone else on my team, but for me, I am slowly learning how to be content in
all situations. And even though it seems like an impossible thing to embrace, Paul
mastered it, so I know it is possible.

that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought
low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty
and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all
things through Christ who strengthens me
.” Philippians 4.11-13

Honestly, I often
think about going back home to family, comfort, independence, cleanliness, and,
well, normalcy for that matter. But ironically enough, that isn’t God’s best
for me right now. For whatever reason He has called me to this life knowing
that it is a sacrifice I am making. He honors me every step of the way because of my
obedience to Him and He never gives me more than I can handle! I can’t forget
that He did bless team Rhema with an amazing house when we first arrived to
Africa; He is such a gentleman in the way He does things… because He knows I
probably would not have handled this “hotel” situation as well as I have been
had this been our first stop! Just sayin’.

This is what it all boils down to though: I can be content in this situation and
every situation I face because I can do all things through Christ who gives me