When I first got to Africa I was somewhat excited, somewhat scared for what I was immersing myself in. I mean IT IS FREAKING AFRICA! My heart was instantly warmed when I first arrived with such a sweet welcoming and big comforting hugs by all. I thought after this day I would instantly love this place and all the fears I had about being here would dissipate.

I have been here two weeks and I am realizing that I am now going through major culture shock. Africa is literally the complete polar opposite to Asian culture; not just in religion but everything! In Asia people want to save-face, so we could never tell how they truly felt about something; they also are very shy, sensitive, and quiet. In Africa they are very open about expressing how they feel, so much so that sometimes I think a fight will break out at any moment. If there is a miscommunication between two people it automatically turns into a verbal altercation. Needless to say, there is a lot of frustration, anger, and confusion amongst the people here.

Days after Rhema arrived, a lot of us began to feel heightened sense of emotions. We felt angry and frustrated but couldn’t understand where it was coming from. It wasn’t until we realized that these are some of the things that are spiritual strongholds on the land. What this means is that a person can actually take these things on if unaware that it is something that plagues most of the land. It can be compared to when a person goes into work in a really good mood and then in an instant can become annoyed by circumstances because of all the negative things that are being brought to his/her attention; the truth is that that person is actually taking on the other persons emotions. We were feeling these emotions but we had no reason to… until we realized we were simply taking on what the Ghanians struggle with. 

Once we took recognition of this we repented, which means we simply changed our way of thinking. These emotions are not of the Kingdom and they are not our portion! The truth is if we continued to carry the weight of these emotions it would have been our own choice. This is what Paul meant when he said we could either sow to the Spirit or sow to the flesh. If we are led by the Spirit we will be able to discern these emotions are not of God, rebuke them, and walk in the other direction. It is so important not to be led by our emotions because satan wants to keep us beat-down, broken, and at our wits end. So often we dismiss that this is the working of hell and blame these emotions on God as if He is punishing us, but it is not in our Daddy’s character to punish His children; punishment is rooted in fear and whoever fears has not been perfected in love (1 John 4.18).

God’s real character is that He loves us so much He has given us all the keys to His Kingdom. Our portion in this Kingdom is love and peace and joy and hope. We are not meant to carry the weight of hate and anger and depression and frustration. Being in Africa is teaching me that I cannot be ruled by my emotions. Some days it is easier to live this out then it is other days but ultimately it comes down to if I want to be made well. I do want to be made well. I am learning the things not of Heaven aren’t my portion to take on. 

No longer do I want to believe the lies that just because I am in this fallen world that I can’t live in freedom because it is for freedom that Christ has set us free. 

No longer do I want to live with a defeated mindset because I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me

No longer do I want to be led by my emotions because I have been born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.

God has given us every single key to live a victorious life. All we have to do is make the choice.