(This blog was written about a week ago so some things have changed a bit as far as where I’m living/ what I am now doing.)


This means “welcome” in Twee and it’s what we were all greeted with as we got off the plane in Ghana. 

All of the L squad’s contacts were waiting at the front of the airport when we arrived and immediately made us feel like we were home. The second night they had a whole church service for us with African dancing and all; they even printed a welcome banner with our squad picture from training camp on it… it was an amazing evening and it made us feel so loved! After the service I had a dance off with one of the African men (yes, the rhythm really did get me, haha)… I looked like a fool but it was so much fun!

It sure has been a drastic change from that of Asia, so much so that most stores have names such as Anointed Hands Hair Salon, Psalm 91 Radiator Sales, and Tribe of Judah Herbal Medicines (couldn’t make these names up even if I tried, haha). Needless to say, it has definitely been a 180 from all of the carved idols, incense burning, and food offerings we experienced while in Asia.

We have been working with Pastor Love focusing on church services: preaching, testimonies, and even singing solos (my time hasn’t come for that yet but Pastor Love insists I will have my chance :S)! We leave Sunday the 21st to a different location helping with a local radio station which I’m sure will include more preaching! They constantly encourage us by saying God has brought us here because He has given us a message to share with them. Public speaking is definitely starting to become a norm, and I am kind of becoming comfortable with it; it’s actually kind of fun… especially when the congregation claps with tambourine in hand or yells hallelujah and amen!

As far as living, it is much different then the scary stories we heard before launch of bugs, sleeping in our tents, and being hungry all the time. My team jokes that we are going to change our name to Royalty since we are staying in a house with satellite TV, aircon, showers with an american toilet, beds, and so much food most days we feel like we will enter into a coma! The only thing we don’t have much access to is INTERNET so my apologies for lack of communication. We are nestled in the middle of nowhere along a red dirt road yet our hideaway makes us feel as if we are living in a mansion… it is definitely teaching me that God does not want us living with a poverty mindset nor that we should be in lack just because we are missionaries. I serve such a good Daddy! 🙂

We are staying with a woman from Pastor Love’s church. Her name is Mrs. Devow, but we like calling her Momma :). She is married with three children and treats us as if we are one of her own. She spoils us rotten, cooks for us, serves us, and ministers to us… and she refuses help in return. She is definitely a blessing to Rhema!

The truth is we have come to minister to them, but they are the ones in fact ministering to us. Staying with Momma is teaching me about love, servanthood, humility, and many other things. It is such a blessing to be surrounded by what the Church is supposed to look like. I am seeing such a demonstration of what Jesus did while He was on the earth and it compels me to want to do the same.

I am learning the World Race is so much more than what I can offer. It is showing me what Kingdom is supposed to look like; it’s the stories in Acts coming to life, because honestly, it’s not just stories! It is possible to commune together, share everything, and just simply do life together. The only thing that gets in the way is my America mindset, but more and more I am unlearning that view and shifting my focus on Kingdom perspective. There’s no turning back to the old ways because it’s the truth that sets people free and through this I am walking in more freedom than I have ever experienced! 

Yes, somedays are not easy but I know that those days are a momentary light affliction working in me an eternal weight of Glory. And it is worth it, every single moment is worth it because I’m experiencing true love, true joy, and true peace. I am experiencing what Heaven is like and it is far better than anything this world can ever offer! 

I’ve had a taste of Kingdom, and I am ruined for life!