I have so much to be thankful for, but I want to dedicate this blog to all the people who made this mission possible. Part of the funds raised by support goes to a ministry fund to help the needs of those we work alongside with. I want to share just some stories of how your support has brought impact from the past two months… I hope this touches your heart the way it has mine! 🙂
While we were in Puerto Barrios, Guatemala we were able to visit the families that call the local dump home. They rummage all day through the trash, only to lay their heads in this trash at night as the smog, vultures, and stench comsume this pit. With the help of your support, we were able to not only pray with these families, but hand out juice boxes and granola bars!

This church was originally dark green with red trim. Although it was quite challenging as we had no primer or paint tape for the trim, your support towards the paint was an answer to prayer! The family of this church had been praying for years that they would be able to repaint the church. Many teams have said they would do it, but none of them ever came back. The day we showed up they had no idea we were coming! With paint in hand and ready to go to work, their hearts were so blessed as God literally used us to fufill their need!
Throughout the first month, we spent most of our time with an orphanage. Some of the kids had never been outside the orphanage doors, and others had never had a meal other than rice and beans. On our last day with them, with your support, we were able to take them to Pollo Compero (Guatemalan KFC) to throw them a “birthday” party. There was chicken, french fries, soda, cake, and alot of laughter!
Because Pueto Barrios is a port town, there is alot of alcoholism and prostitution. With your support, we were able to buy supplies to make these cards for the prostitutes. We wrote, “The Lord your God is with you, He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing” (Zephaniah 3:17); at the bottom we wrote, “God calls you His beautiful daughter.” It was amazing to get to pray with them and speak life to them instead of bringing condemnation and judgement!
This Saturday, with your support, we are taking the kids from The Quinta to the beach! Orphanages are band in Nicaragua, so our contacts run a “home” (ages 14-23, with the exception of Samuel who’s 10) for kids who have been abandoned by their families and have been called worthless their entire life. Here they live, learn, are being discipled, and realizing their worth in Christ Jesus. I’m sure alot of fun and laughter will be had, and I’m very excited to fellowship with them!
Thank you all so much for your prayers and support. Not only has it blessed me, but it has stretched to so many others, and will continue to stretch for the next 9 months!

Peace and Love,