This is an update of the orphanage, so if you haven’t read my previous blog please do that now God is not a microwave! 

James 1.27

Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.

We realized that there was much work to be done at the orphanage, and knew this is what we wanted to invest in while here. 

One day we had a carnival for them; another day we did a VBS with a skit of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego being thrown in the furnace, and coming out unharmed. We wanted to let them know Jesus is always with them; we washed their feet on another day; and on our final day with them, we threw  a “birthday” party at the famous chicken restaurant in town, Pollo Campero (the Guatemalan version of KFC). We even had cake and all!

It has been such a blessing to see the kids change their demeanor so much. Originally they were somber and not very susceptible to us, but as we started investing, the more open they became. It has been amazing to see the children laugh and just have the opportunity to be kids.

We didn’t lose heart about the situation and we continued to press on. We have been trying to lay a foundation in them. We want to let them know even though we can’t stay and the fact that they have seen alot of people leave them, that their Heavenly Daddy will never leave them.

Honestly, sometimes words don’t cut it. The experience I had at this orphanage is forever ingrained in my memory. I cannot truly articulate the ways I saw God move in that place. So, I invite you to watch a video of our time spent there, made by my amazing teammate, Bethany.

Update: we recently found out that the corrupt orphanage is being shut down in December (praise the Lord). Unfortunately, there will be some, including the ones over 18, that will have nowhere to go. Children that were taken out because of abuse will be placed back in their homes, and some will be placed in other orphanages, but there is a strong possibility that siblings could get separated. I am asking everyone to please pray for these precious children, and that the Lord has His hand on every inch of this!