Remember that one time,
that I decided to sign up for a crazy 11 month trip?
And it cost $15,500?
And then I left, and in the first month (Ecuador), I thought to myself
“ain’t no way in hell I am doing this for 11 months”?
But then I saw a woman come to Christ and it was the one thing that could change my mind and convince me that I was in God’s will?

And remember that one time in Peru I got to experience an earthquake?
And dance on top of a mountain that I conquered?
And go to prom?
and see the youth changed and impacted by our presence?

And remember that one time in Bolivia when I got worms?
And when I fed orphans their lunch every day?
And when I thought once more that there was no way I would last 11 months?
And remember when I got a tattoo?
And when I fell in love with so many of the children at the orphanage?

And then that one time in Albania when I shared my testimony and got asked to go on a coffee date because she wanted to know more about Jesus?
And that time it took me two hours to work up the courage to jump off a cliff into the Adriatic Sea?
And that time I took an overnight ferry to Italy for the weekend?

And do you remember Romania?
I experienced my very first American Thanksgiving.
And remember when I shaved head, and shoveled in the freezing cold every day?
And that time I slept outside to raise awareness for the people who live in the dump?
And remember that time that I went to Hungary for the day, just because we could?

And then came South Africa, do you remember?
I missed my financial deadline, but I was able to see the goodness of God when He put me in a position of only having Him to rely on.
And remember how we picked weeds and shoveled dirt all month?
And how we were constantly blessed by our amazing contacts and the couple from Colorado?
And remember when we spent Christmas in community, with summer-like temperatures?

Remember how I always had sand in my food, loud music in my ears and B.O. in my nostrils, but absolutely LOVED every minute?
Remember how I got a smack in the face reminder of why I signed up for this thing in the first place?
Remember how we saw person after person get healed one rainy day in the middle of nowhere?
Remember that time we spent 3 days (quite literally) in the back of a truck?

Remember in Swaziland,
how I fell desperately in love with a baby named Michael?
And how I sobbed the day that I had to leave him?
Remember the amazingly beautiful view I got to wake up to every day?
Remember how I shared a broken bed with my other half and we wrote songs all month?
Remember when we dug a 15ft whole? And then poured cement into it?
Remember that time I found three ticks on my body?
And that time that I ate more eggs than my entire life combined?

Remember that one time in Thailand when I fell in love with everyone and everything?
Remember how my heart broke for the trafficked girls that I could see, but couldn’t get to?
And how I prayed every single day for one of my friends to leave the bars?
And how I worshiped and prayed and found myself on my face before the Lord every single day?
AND how I have never felt God as close as He was on Bangla?

And Remember Cambodia?
You probably don’t, seeing as I haven’t written any blogs about it yet,
but we’re gonna pretend you do…
So, remember how it was HOTTER than HADES?
Do you remember the constant chanting to Buddha from a loud speaker ten feet from my bed?
Remember how it would start every day at 4:30AM?
And how we showered with muddy water and had no electricity?
And how we taught kids how to say worm, and watermelon, and the difference between reptiles and mammals?
Remember how I drank winter melon tea every single day because it was SO GOOD?
And how we rode in a cart pulled by a teeny tiny pony?

Do you remember all this?

Sometimes, I think back and it feels like I was just in Ecuador a week ago.
But now, here I am.
Month 11.
I literally never thought this month would come.

It has been a year full of some of the best and worst memories of my life and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.
Now, I am roughly a month away from home
(still not revealing the exact day of my arrival in Calgary),
and I can’t believe I have lived this crazy life for an entire year.
I am sad it’s almost over,
but I am getting excited to be home and prepare for the next step in my journey,


Here’s to one last amazing month filled with laughter and tears, challenges and celebrations.
Get excited.