I’m not really sure how to respond to this, but I know that I have to say something.
My heart is broken.
My heart is so broken today for my country.
Being the only Canadian on my squad has given me a rekindled patriotism that I did not expect.
Being around Americans 24/7 has allowed me to appreciate Canada so much more than I normally would.
I can honestly say that I love where I live.
Or at least I could.
Today, I do not love where I live.
Today, I am ashamed to call myself Canadian.
I cannot tell you how much it breaks my heart to walk down Bangla Road every other night.
It causes me literal pain to see these women so bound by obligation and the demands of the touring public.
I cry almost every day for the men who are so bound by lies that tell them it’s okay to purchase a human being to be used for nothing more than their sick, sexual desires.
I am so broken today to learn that my own country,
a country that boasts of it’s misson to protect human rights,
a country that is supposed to be a place of freedom,
a refuge for those who are lost,
has legalized prostitution.
Now, I am not naive.
I know that prostitution was happening whether it was legal or not.
I understand this.
But by legalizing it,
the government is telling the general public that it’s okay to buy someone.
That it’s okay to use women for their bodies.
That it’s okay to traffick women from all over the world into Canada to sell.
I watch girls sell themselves every other night.
I talk to them.
I befriend them.
I love them.
And I can’t stand the thought of more women being caught up in such lies and chains of the enemy, regardless of which country it’s in.
This is just not okay with me.
Normally, I would end this blog with hopeful ramblings of how God is still good.
Which He is.
But I am angry.
I am so damn angry at satan.
I swear, if I could punch him right in the face, this would be the moment I would do it.
He won’t win.
He will not win.
Because my God is GREATER.
He is greater than Bangla Road,
He is greater than legalized prostitution.
He is so much greater than this.
And that’s the promise I am choosing to hold onto.