ok guys, we had an agreement.  a covenant.  a binding legal, erm, document……
i would write streams of consciousness.  you would leave fun comments.  remember that?  remember when you agreed to that??  As far as I can see, I am holding up my end of the bargain here, why don’t you help me out??
I officially live in GA.  Never thought I would say that.  Ever.  But here I am.  God sure does have a sense of humor.  And he also clearly has a high tolerance for heat, because it is HOT.  Wow.  Hot.  I don’t like sweating.  In general if I sweat, then I feel a need to shower, so that means i take about 10 showers a day.  And that is a waste of water.  But I just really hate feeling sweaty.  Pumping gas yesterday and I was soaked.  Gross.  I remember my time in Thailand and Cambodia, and Uganda, and Philippines, and just about every other place in the world and it was sweaty there too.  Maybe I just joined the normal ranks, but ick!  
Moving was an adventure to say the least.  I will spare you the details, but let’s just say it involved multiple days in a row of driving LONG distances and 17+ hours in the car.  Somewhere along 75 i got delirious.  Twice.  Do you know that sometimes the McDonalds drive-thru is not open 24 hours?  You can find that out if you try and stop at 2am for a McFlurry and are denied.  It was heart-breaking to be denied the MckFlurry I had been dreaming about for miles.  Only to be replaced by fountain Dr.Pepper from Speedway–I guess that is a close runner-up, but not really when you are dreaming of ice cream.  Then again, I am always dreaming of ice cream.  Specifically Graeter’s Ice cream, but it is only found in OH and KY.  Maybe tonight I will have DQ.  Right after I do Insanity.  I am starting like 1/2 thru with Jake, do you think I will die?  Surely I am in decent enough shape, surely???
This is Erin waiting for the truck.  Behind her are about 1/8th of the boxes that had to be loaded.  ugh.