Well, the number 31 is special to me, anyways.
In a few short days It will represent the number of years that I have had breath in my lungs. 
 It represents the kind of woman I want to become (Proverbs 31)
It represents one of my favorite verses of all time : “BE BRAVE.  BE STRONG.  DON’T GIVE UP.”  Ps 31:24 MSG
It represents the number of countries I have visited.
It represents the number of World Race Teams we currently have serving on the field.
31 is a special number.
This year for the first time in 3 years I will celebrate my birthday in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!!!  I can’t begin to explain how excited I am that I will NOT be in China eating an unidentifiable object posing as a birthday cake. The past 2 years I have somehow found myself in China for my birthday and let’s just say CAKE is not their specialty.   31 is the number of funfetti cupcakes I plan on eating in the coming days! I will sit in my Mom’s kitchen and eat delicious cake and celebrate with my amazing family.  We will talk about the past 31 years and all the crazy things I have done (raft the Nile, anyone?), and all the insane ideas I have had (WR 2 times, anyone?) and all the ways the Lord CONTINUES to blow my socks off!  We will honor him for every breath, every idea, and every moment of insanity!
31 is a special number.
This year for my birthday I am asking Him for 31 X 31 more years of life.  31 X more of HIS presence, 31 X more supernatural power and provision, 31 X more  of HIM.  I want HIS dream for my next 31 years. 
31 is a special number.
I hope that 31 can be a special number for you, even if just for a minute.  I am going to ask that 31 of YOU to put 31 $$ in this account on the left31 dollars a month from 31 of you will almost fill my account each month and allow me to continue training, equipping, empowering and serving the 31 teams of World Racers.
Can 31 of you give $31 each month for the next year?  
Can 31 of you do it today as an extra special birthday surprise?
I sure would be 31 X 31 super appreciative!
31 is a special number!
PS- the real day of my 31st birthday is Nov 25th.  🙂
PPS- I really thought that by the time I got to the end of this blog and typed 31 a billion times I would come to terms with the fact that I was going to be 31, but HOLY COW!!!!  How did I get to be 31 years old?!?!
PPPS- feel free to add digits behind the 31, like $131 🙂