Christmas at home was absolutely wonderful. Thank you all for your prayers for safe travel and family fun. I hop a plane (or 3) bound for Africa tomorrow afternoon to return to my “other” family. I would appreciate the prayers once again as I head for my other home. I am looking at about 48 hours of travel to get back and I would be lying if I said there wasn’t a little bit of dread in all that travel.
Please enjoy some of my favorite pictures from Kenya. Makes all the travel worth it 🙂
Joel and some new friends. In typical African style we waited on the side of the road for a few hours for our bus to come by. As a large group of Mzungus (white people) we attracted some curious looks.
Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho, It’s off to work we go. Nothing quite like this fashion statement!
The bikes have mud flaps. How cool is that? This one made me smile.
Margaret is an amazing woman. She runs a store named Banana Leaves of Hope and employs widows to create Africa crafts. I think the World Racers single-handily kept her in business this month.
Sunset on Lake Victoria.
Two of my favorites. Beryl and John.