You only have to look maybe 2 pages into the Bible and the word GENERATION is mentioned. 
There were wicked generations, faithful generations, and a whole lot more wicked generations.  Basically the entire Old Testament reveals generation after generation of people who sought their own way and yet the Lord continued to bless them and chase them down.  Story of my life it seems, and probably yours too if you are honest. 
God has been trying since the beginning of time to reveal HIs love for us and turn our hearts back to Him.  I believe that WE are the generation who are going to turn the tide.  WE are the generation that is finally going to get the keys to the Kingdom back from Satan.  WE are going to be the generation that cares for the orphan and the widow.  WE are going to be the generation!
But I was reminded last week that it comes with a price.  And it is a price that has been paid by many that have gone before us.
I had the distinct honor of sitting at a “kitchen table”, of sorts, with Dr. and Mrs. Barnes.   It is a common WR theme that the best learning, the best community, and the best authenticity happen at the kitchen table.  Kitchen table discussions have shaped and molded the course of my life over the past 2 years, so I jumped at the chance to sit at the kitchen table with 2 of the most influential people in the life of the World Race. 
Dr. & Mrs. Barnes are the parents of WR founder Seth Barnes.  They just “happened” to be in Kenya staying not 100 yards from the Bible College where the Oct team was spending a week of debrief.  God has a way of connecting the dots and I found myself at lunch with this amazing couple.  Most of us are familiar with Grandparents that spend their golden years in Florida, or on the golf course, or maybe on a golf course in Florida.  Either way, it is the common American retirement destination.   Dr. & Mrs. Barnes choose otherwise and spend their “snowbird” winter months serving at a hospital in Kijabe, Kenya.  Both are in their seventies and spend their days serving others on the other side of the World.  What an example!
They laughed as they told embarassing stories of young Seth and what made them decide to send him on his first mission trip as a teenager.  Little did they know then the path that their decision would lead to in so many lives.
As I sat and listened I grew increasingly humbled at the life these two servants have lead and how it has deeply impacted my own life.   I often marvel at the sacrifice of my own parents and grandparents, but very rarely do I get to put my arms around someone not in my family line and thank them for their generational blessing. 
Their steps of obedience to God’s word some 30 years ago have led me to Africa, Asia, Central America and beyond.  Their steps of obedience allow me to live this amazing life.  Their steps of obedience are going to wake up a generation.
I walked away with tears in my eyes and a sense of soberness.  Lunch with these two special people opened my eyes and showed me a renewed sense of responsibility.  Decisions that I make now will impact generations to come.  My obedience to the Lord today has the ability to impact so many lives besides my own. 
Thank you Dr. & Mrs. Barnes for the true example that you are to all of us out here.  God Bless you.