This story began months ago, but just culminated yesterday afternoon.  It goes without saying that Dental Insurance is not really something that I have had here lately.  In fact, I haven’t had medical insurance since coming home in May.  I pray daily I don’t fall and break my leg or something stupid.  Anyway–I have known for awhile that i should probably go to the Dentist before leaving again, but was really hesitant to fork over the cash. 
The beginning of August I was in Georgia and through a random connection there was a girl who offered to clean my teeth for free in the comfort of her home!  Praise God!  Wouldn’t you know that the day we scheduled rolled around and it collided with an evening church service at Chuck & Selena Day’s house.  I LOVE their house church and was torn:  teeth nice and clean or house church??
The Lord impressed upon me strongly that I should forego the free cleaning and go to church that night.  I was kind of bummed, but have learned that obedience is key so off I went to church.  Of course that night turned out to be hugely powerful and a new chapter in my walk with the Holy Spirit (more on that later), so I was glad to have made the right decision but still bummed about the teeth.
I have been avoiding making the dentist appointment these past few weeks and finally googled a dentist here in my hometown.  As soon as I walked in they wanted to take x-rays, cleaning, the whole show.  Of course I can only afford the cleaning and politely explained why and all was fine.  Dr. Hoagland got to talking about my “line of work” and he expressed concern about globe-trotting and all the potential things that could be taking up residence below my gums and offered to do the xrays free of charge.  I almost cried.   We proceeded to chat some more about the Lord, traveling, and teeth.  As he walked me to the door he explained that the Lord must have Googled me to his office and didn’t charge me for anything.
As I skipped to the car I could hardly believe it.  In obedience I had given up the free cleaning in GA, but then the Lord blessed me with cleaning and x-rays!  It is one of those situations that you always hear about happening to other people but never really think it could happen to you!  It was a tangible way for me to feel my Father’s love for me.  How cool is that??
And…anybody near Columbus check our Dr Hoagland’s office in Powell.