Dear Friends:

In June 2007 I began a life-changing journey that continues to this day.  The 2007 World Race took me literally around the world and into the hearts and homes of people in 11 countries.  I witnessed firsthand the devastating affect of AIDS on millions of people in Africa, the bondage that the sex slave trade has on the people of Asia, and the religious spirit that has hardened so many hearts on Central America.

It was a powerful year on every level and my heart overflows with thankfulness to all of you who helped make it possible.

I am honored to have been chosen to chase God with another group of radicals. This October I will embark on a year-long journey leading a team of 50+ as they follow the commands of Jesus and leave everything behind to be the hands and feet on the 2008 World Race.

I am committed to building the Kingdom. I am committed to the nations. I am committed to discipleship. I am committed to my generation. I am committed to the World Racers, and I am honored to serve them and grow alongside them as we trek throughout the world.

There is a movement being birthed and I want to give you the opportunity to partner with us to mobilize a generation.  I will spend the first 5 months or so out on the field with the October team.  I spent the last year learning lessons that I can’t wait to impart to them and am excited to share in their journey.  After that I will return to the States and do leadership coaching and encouragement from here. 

I will be considered as a staff member of Adventures in Missions and therefore, will raise my support as a staff member.  My goal is to raise $24,000 which will cover the expenses of racing with the team as well as travel expenses to meet with them and provide coaching at debriefs after I have left the official “Race’ part of the year. 

It is a daunting task, but I am confident that the Lord pays for what He orders.  Paul speaks to the church at Corinth about supporting their ministers in this way:

“Don’t you know that those who work in the temple get their food from the temple, and those who serve at the altar share in what was offered on the altar?  In the same way, the Lord has commanded that those who preach the Gospel should receive their living from the gospel.”  1 Corinthians 9:13-14

My excitement for the Nations has overflowed to so many of you this year and I am honored that you would partner with me to share the Good News once again. 

As the Lord prompts, please consider supporting me by either clicking on SUPPORT ME on my blog at or I have enclosed a response card and pre-addressed envelope, which invites you to share in this ministry. Please make checks payable to Adventures in Missions. You may write “appealed by” and my name in the memo section of the check if you wish. Including the enclosed card will provide AIM with all necessary information. In turn, they will send you a receipt. All gifts are tax-deductible. 

Thank you for your continued support, encouragement and prayers.  A generation is walking into their destiny because of YOU!

God Bless you!